Obituary, Dame Rosie Horton, DNZM, QSO, QSM
The University of Auckland lost a supporter and champion with the death of well-known Auckland philanthropist, Dame Rosie Horton, DNZM, QSO, QSM, on Sunday 14 May.

Rosie, as she was known by everyone, was involved with the University for more than 20 years. She was a generous donor to and advocate for the arts and medical sciences giving financial support and her formidable networking skills to support students of New Zealand literature, the Liggins Institute, and the Centre for Brain Research.
For many years it was rare not to welcome Rosie together with her husband Michael Horton, CNZM, to University dinners, gala and fundraising events, and student dance and opera performances. She was a beautifully dressed, always positive, and generous presence, remembered warmly by those who knew her.
CBR’s Distinguished Professor Sir Richard Faull counted her a close friend and confidante for many years.
‘From 2009, Rosie was an enthusiastic and committed founding Ambassador of the Centre for Brain Research, working to help raise the Centre’s profile in the wider philanthropic community,’ Richard says. ‘She made an extraordinary contribution to the success of the Centre through her enterprising ‘reach for the stars’ approach to both networking and fundraising.
‘At the same time Rosie was generous of heart and time. She always made everyone feel special and valued. Dame Rosie was a humanitarian at heart who cared passionately about the welfare of all people. We will miss her dearly.’
The University was just one of many charities that benefitted from her involvement. She was a founding trustee of the New Zealand Breast Cancer Foundation and supported the Starship Foundation as well as many smaller charities. With all, her interest was genuine, and her advocacy and philanthropy had real impact.
The University’s staff and students extend sincerest condolences to Michael Horton and the Horton family.