Contact us

Talk to one of our team about your study options in South Auckland.

Contact details

Student Hubs

The Student Hubs are your physical gateway to Waipapa Taumata Rau | the University of Auckland.

The Student Hubs services are available seven days a week at the City, Grafton and Tai Tonga campuses and six days a week at Tai Tokerau, with friendly staff available to provide you with advice on any aspect of your studies and life at the University.

Student Hub, Te Papa Ako o Tai Tonga
6 Osterley Way, Manukau
Wayfinding map
Hours: Monday to Friday 8am-8pm Saturday and Sunday 9am-5pm

Postal address

Faculty of Education and Social Work
The University of Auckland - South Auckland
Private Bag 94006
South Auckland Mail Centre
Manukau 2204


The University’s new South Auckland Campus

6 Osterley Way, Manukau.

Business hours and further information.