
Graduation is a happy occasion when students are awarded their qualifications and can celebrate alongside friends, family and University staff.

Important information for graduands about deferring your graduation, seating for guests and special needs, tickets, scholarships and more.

Pānui ināianei | Read now

A guide to the appropriate academic dress, and what to wear with your regalia.

Kimihia | Find out
Graduations caps thrown in the air.

Check out the images from previous ceremonies!

Tirohia ināianei | Look now

When the Spring Graduation 2024 ceremonies are live, you can watch them here.

Kia kitea inaiānei | View now

As a student or graduate, you can request a certified digital copy of your certificate.

Pānui tonu | Keep reading

How to get your graduation certificate for a non-degree or a non-diploma programme.

He mōhiohio anō | More info

How to get replacements for lost or damaged degrees and diploma certificates.

Kimihia | Find out

The University has a range of graduation memorabilia available to purchase including rings, bears, frames and more.

Hōparatia | Explore

Watch videos and view photos from previous graduation ceremonies.

Kia kitea ināianei | View now

Find out about the special graduation ceremony held each year in Whangarei for students from the University of Auckland’s Tai Tokerau campus.

Pānui ināianei | Read now
Picture of Clock Tower

You can use the Graduate search platform to confirm the graduation of students from The University of Auckland from February 1996 to the most recent graduation

Rapua | Search

AskAuckland has answers to questions about graduation – 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Toroa ināianei | Visit now