Students in financial crisis can drop out of university
Will you join University of Auckland alumni in helping them overcome this hardship?
Will you give students facing hardship the opportunity to get a degree from the University of Auckland?
There is a Whakatauki (Māori proverb) – “ehara taku toa I te toa takitahi, engari, he toa takitini”– “success is not the work of one, but the work of many”. Students are the success of the University but behind them stand thousands of caring people who, through their philanthropy, support and champion our achievements.

I was in quite a difficult financial circumstance having only one parent
around after my father passed two years before. I am so grateful for
this support. Not only because it enables me to make the option of
tertiary study at Auckland feasible, but also because to be rewarded by
my hard work so far is extremely gratifying in itself and serves as a
great motivation for me to continue working hard and achieving even
greater things.

I cried. Only because I have never felt so stressed prior to hearing about the scholarship. I am so blessed I was chosen to receive the scholarship, and it confirmed I was on the right track by choosing to study.