The Chancellor's Circle
The Chancellor’s Circle recognises generous philanthropists who over the years have made important contributions to the University of Auckland, helping to shape its direction and achievements.
Special recognition for over $50m
- Auckland Medical Research Foundation
- Cancer Society Auckland Northland
The Sir Maurice O’Rorke Society

Members of this Society have made total contributions to the University of more than $5 million. They have provided tremendous leadership through their investment in tertiary education and, as was the case with the Honourable Sir Maurice O’Rorke, shown great dedication to supporting the academic achievements of New Zealanders.
- Cook Family
- Estate of Brian Coote
- The late Sir Graeme Douglas and Lady Ngaire Douglas
- Lynne Erceg
- Sir Owen G Glenn
- Goodfellow Family
- Annette and Neal Plowman Family
- Dr Beate Schuler
- Estate of Warwick and Judy Smith
- Estate of John W Turnbull
- Aotearoa Foundation
- Auckland Medical Research Foundation
- Cancer Research Trust NZ - Titikaha Rangahau i nga Mate Pukupuku
- Cancer Society Auckland Northland
- Cancer Society of New Zealand
- Cure Kids
- David Levene Foundation
- Energy Education Trust of New Zealand
- Flu Lab
- Foundation North
- Freemasons
- Friends of the University of Auckland (US)
- George Mason Charitable Trust
- Heart Foundation
- Hugh Green Foundation
- Li Liangren Family Trust
- Maurice and Phyllis Paykel Trust
- Neurological Foundation of New Zealand
- New Zealand Lottery Grants Board
- Passe & Williams Foundation
- Perpetual Guardian
- Presbyterian Methodist Congregational Foundation (Inc)
- Public Trust
- Trimble Inc.
- The UK Friends of The University of Auckland
- Wellcome Trust
- Woolf Fisher Trust
- Anonymous
The Sir George Fowlds Society

With total contributions of between $1 million and $5 million, members of this Society have made substantial commitments to university teaching and research. Their generosity has played and continues to play an important role in sustaining creativity and ingenuity at the University of Auckland.
- Bruce and Donna Aitken
- Estate of Anne Bellam
- The Estate of Patricia and Peter Bergquist
- Charles Bidwill
- Estate of Patricia Carroll
- Estate of Barbara and Robert (Bob) Dawn
- John and Rose Dunn
- Tim and Cathie Edney
- Tony and Heather Falkenstein
- Estate of Carlo and Julie Fiorentino
- Sian Elias and Hugh Fletcher
- Dame Jenny Gibbs
- Peter Gibson
- Kim and Jeanette Goldwater
- Dr Bruce and Dr Wendy Hadden
- Henry Michael Horton CNZM
- Paul Kelly
- Dr John and Marylyn Mayo
- Antony and Margaret Morris
- Sir Douglas Myers
- Agnes Paykel
- Estate of Jocelyn Isobel Shackleton
- Lesley Shelly
- David and Corina Silich
- Estate of Sidney Taylor
- Eric and Patricia Tracey
- Gregory and Kathryn Trounson
- Estate of Mr Murray Wren
- Alan Maxwell Trust
- Anne Reid Memorial Fund
- Arthritis New Zealand
- ASB Bank
- Auckland Council
- Auckland Hospitals Research and Endowment Fund
- Auckland University Engineers Association Charitable Trust
- Bank of New Zealand
- Beca
- Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
- Breast Cancer Cure
- Breast Cancer Foundation NZ
- Buchanan Charitable Foundation
- Buckley Systems
- Burnett Foundation Aotearoa
- Chau Hoi Sheun Foundation
- Cure Parkinson's NZ - Bernard and Kaye Crosby
- Cystinosis Research Foundation
- Development West Coast
- Edith Winstone Blackwell Foundation Trust
- EY
- Fehl Charitable Trust
- First Foundation
- Fisher & Paykel Appliances
- Fletcher Building Employee Educational Fund
- Friedlander Foundation
- Glavish Family Trust
- Green Lane Research and Educational Fund
- Gus and Irene Fisher
- Hugo Charitable Trust ("Hugo")
- International Fund for Animal Welfare
- Jacobs Engineering
- John Weeks Trust/AUSA
- Jubilee Crippled Children Foundation Trust
- Keystone New Zealand Property Education Trust
- Leukaemia & Blood Cancer New Zealand
- Li Ka Shing Foundation
- The McCall MacBain Foundation
- The Liggins Institute Trust
- The Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research
- Link Research and Grants
- Lion Foundation
- Mercury NZ Limited
- MSA Charitable Trust
- New Zealand Law Foundation
- Novo Nordisk Pharmaceuticals
- New Zealand Leadership Institute
- Oakley Mental Health Research Foundation
- Oticon Foundation
- Pasifika Medical Association
- Pigeon Mountain & Halcyon Days Trusts Partnership
- Ports of Auckland Limited
- Professor J E Caughey Alcoholism and Abusive Substances Trust
- PwC
- Ralph and Eve Seelye Charitable Trust
- Rawhiti Trust
- Sunset Foundation (Inc)
- Taurus Charitable Trust
- Templeton Religion Trust
- The Atlantic Philanthropies
- The CatWalk Spinal Cord Injury Research Trust
- The Chartwell Trust
- The Dines Family Charitable Trust
- The Hearing Research Foundation
- The Hynds Foundation
- The Joan Mary Reynolds Charitable Trust
- The Kate Edger Educational Charitable Trust
- The Kelliher Charitable Trust
- The Nature Conservancy (TNC)
- The Sir Thomas and Lady Duncan Trust
- Stevenson Foundation
- Vodafone NZ
- Vernon Tews Education Trust
- Watercare Services Limited
- Westpac New Zealand
- Wright Family Foundation
- Anonymous
The Sir Douglas Robb Society

This Society recognises donors who have given a total of between $100,000 and $1 million to the University of Auckland. Over the years, these contributions have supported students in need and strengthened the University’s capabilities to teach and conduct research at a world-class level.
- Estate of Margaret Andrews
- John Alexander
- Andrew Bagnall
- Garth and Judy Barfoot
- Anna Bidwill
- Grant G Biggar
- Ian and Estelle Billings
- Barbara and Helen Blake
- Estate of Ida Mary Booth
- Dr Greg Brick
- Dr John Buchanan
- Estate of Margaret Burland
- John and Anne Burton
- Estate of Helen Cadman
- Ken Cambie
- Timothy G Cameron
- Dr Thanh Nguyen
- I. K. and Solan Chan
- Estate of Carole Cliff
- Valrae Collins
- Erika and Robin Congreve
- Estate of Edward Connolly
- Estate of Ronald Cooper
- Peter and Lizzie Coote
- Estate of Jeanette R Crossley
- Dr Jan Crosthwaite
- Emeritus Professor Raewyn Dalziel
- Elaine Davies
- Estate of [Sir] Ernest Hyam Davis and Estate of Yvonne [Mollie] Aileen Leah Carr
- The Dillon Family
- Estate of Gwynn Duncan
- Graeme M Edwards
- Estate of David Thomas Eddleston
- Margaret Edwards
- Estate of James and Alison Erikson
- Georgene Fawcett
- Stuart C Feigin
- Christine Fernyhough
- Estate of Davida Fitzgibbon
- Roger and Julie France
- Professor Raoul Franklin
- Leonid Frants
- Huanjiao Gan
- Theresa Gattung CNZM
- Gavin and Janice Gerrard
- Gillespie Family
- Andrew and Elle Grant
- Diana Green
- John Griffin
- Lyla Haddon
- Estate of Campbell Hagan
- Professor Patrick and Anneliese Hanan
- Estate of Alison H Hanham
- Estate of Elizabeth Heard
- Lloyd Herring
- Jean Heywood
- Greg and Shelley Horton
- Henry and Trudy Hudson
- Manying and Ming Ip
- Robert Irwin
- Dr Robin and Ruth Isaacs
- Estates of Frank and Doreen Jones
- Estate of Nancy Jones
- Sir Robert Jones
- Jane Shepley Jones
- James A Lennon
- Christopher P Liddell
- Estate of Walter Linton
- Jim and Hazel Lord
- Sir Colin Maiden
- Jonathan and Mary Mason
- Graham and Shona Matthews
- Professor Ngaire McBeath
- Ian and Rosie McCrae
- Estate of Jean McCubeary
- Estate of Lynette C McHale
- Kerry and Bob McMillan
- McPhee Rozenberg Family
- Fady M Mishriki
- Anna Nathan
- Jon and Louise Nicholson
- Anne and David Norman
- Estate of Corinne S Opie
- Amelia Pais-Rodriguez and Marcus Gerbich
- Dr. Neil Paton and Louise Paton
- David V Pearce
- Valma and Gordon Pettit
- Potato Productions Pte Ltd
- Estate of Marjorie Prince
- The Ockham Foundation
- Beverley Randell
- Joan M Ready
- Estate of Alexander John Regan
- Estate of Professor John and Reverend Jill Richards
- Geoff and Fran Ricketts
- David and Dian Ross
- Lyndy and Mark Sainsbury
- Suzanne and Brian Service
- Estate of Bettina D Sharman
- Estate of Elsie Shrimpton
- Professor Peter Smith
- Estate of Evelyn Steer
- Dr Richard Sorrenson and Professor Helen Sword
- Vicki and Scott St John
- Estate of Nicholas Tarling
- Cecilia Tarrant
- Sir Edmund and Lady Thomas
- Ray and Joan Thompson
- Estate of Margaret Rose Till
- M and M Trotter
- Estate of Kathleen Annie Veza
- Mildred Weissman
- Carolyn Werner and the late Dr. James Sheldon
- Emeritus Professor John Werry CNZM
- Michael Whitehead and Felicity Barnes
- The Wickham Family
- Hadley Wickham
- Professor Joanne Wilkes
- Estate of Professor Leslie Woods
- David and Angela Wright
- Estate of Elsie L Wright
- Anonymous
- Action on Hearing Loss
- AECOM New Zealand Ltd
- AFT Pharmaceuticals Ltd
- Agilent Technologies
- AH Somerville Foundation
- Air New Zealand
- Alcohol Advisory Council of New Zealand
- Alcon Laboratories
- Allergan Australia
- Allied Telesyn Research
- Alzheimers New Zealand Charitable Trust (Inc)
- Antarctica New Zealand
- Architectus
- Argosy Property
- Asia New Zealand Foundation
- Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research
- Association for International Cancer Research
- AstraZeneca
- Auckland Eye Research Educational Trust
- Auckland Heart Group Charitable Trust
- Auckland Private Education Charitable Trust
- Auckland War Memorial Museum
- Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists
- Australian Paediatric Endocrine Group
- Baxter Healthcare Ltd
- Beatrice Ratcliffe Charitable Trust
- Bell Gully
- The Bill and Eileen Allan Trust
- Biomed Limited
- Blind and Low Vision
- Blue Scope Steel
- Bollard Charitable Trust
- Boyd Clarke Foundation
- Brian and Sue Picot
- Brookfields Lawyers
- Bupa
- Cadbury New Zealand
- Cancer Research Campaign Board
- Carter Holt Harvey
- Centre for Clinical Research and Effective Practice
- Cerebral Palsy Alliance
- Chapman Tripp
- Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation for International Scholarly Exchange
- Child Cancer Foundation
- Chisholm Whitney Family Charitable Trust
- CHT Healthcare Trust
- Climate Change AI
- CoDa Therapeutics
- Cognition Institute
- Coker Charitable Trust
- Colliers International
- Colorectal Surgical Society of Australia & New Zealand Foundation
- COMET Auckland
- Communio Limited
- Compania Minera Meridian
- Comvita New Zealand Limited
- Conservation International
- CooperVision
- Covidien
- Cure Alzheimer's Fund
- CureGRIN Foundation
- Cystinosis Ireland
- Danone Nutricia Ltd
- David and Genevieve Becroft Foundation
- DB Breweries
- Sir Roderick and Lady Gillian Deane
- Deloitte
- Deutsche Bank
- Diabetes New Zealand Auckland Branch
- Donny Charitable Trust
- Downer New Zealand Limited
- Dubai Cares
- Education Development Center Inc
- Elam Trust for Art & Design
- Electricity Engineers' Association of New Zealand (EEA)
- Ember Korowai Takitini
- Employers and Manufacturers Association (Northern)
- Endocore Research Trust
- Eyal & Marilyn Ofer Family Foundation
- Eye Institute
- Fertility Associates
- Figment Foundation
- Fisher & Paykel Healthcare Foundation
- Fonterra Co-operative Group Ltd
- Fraser Thomas Ltd
- Frederich Kurstein Anthonsen Research Charitable Trust
- Gaze Foundation
- Genesis Energy
- Sir Colin and Lady Giltrap
- GlaxoSmithKline New Zealand
- Great Mercury Island Limited
- Great Potentials Foundation
- Gut Cancer Foundation
- H B Williams Turanga Trust
- Hauser-Raspe Foundation
- Hawke's Bay Medical Research Foundation
- The Heart Research Institute NZ
- Health Care Aotearoa
- Heartland Bank
- Heavy Engineering Research Association (HERA)
- HEB Construction Ltd
- Hiway
- HOPE Foundation for Research on Ageing
- HP New Zealand
- Hudson Global Resources
- I Have a Dream Charitable Trust
- International Centre for Entrepreneurship Foundation
- International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease
- International Union for Conservation of Nature
- InternetNZ
- Invitrogen
- JDRF International
- John D and Catherine T MacArthur Foundation
- John Templeton Foundation
- Kalman Trust
- King Street Advertising
- Kiwiplan NZ
- Korea Foundation
- Korea Research Foundation
- KPS Society Limited
- L P Trust
- LAM Charitable Trust
- Lane Capital Group Ltd
- Leducq Foundation
- Liggins Property Trust
- Live Ocean Charitable Trust
- Lynette June Sullivan Trust
- MADE Foundation Trust
- March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation
- Massachusetts General Hospital
- Matthew Oswin Memorial Trust
- Medical Research Institute of New Zealand
- Meredith Connell
- Michael and Suzanne Borrin Foundation
- The Sir Michael Jones Foundation
- Microsoft New Zealand
- Minter Ellison Rudd Watts
- MND New Zealand
- Momentum Waikato Community Foundation
- Movember Foundation New Zealand
- Muscular Dystrophy Association of New Zealand
- Mylan
- Mylan NZ Ltd.
- NAR Foundation
- National Alliance for Research on Schizophrenia and Depression Inc
- National Breast Cancer Foundation (Australia)
- National Geographic Society
- New Zealand Antarctic Research Institute
- New Zealand Cot Death Association
- New Zealand Carbon Farming Group
- New Zealand Optometric Vision Research Foundation
- New Zealand Orthopaedic Association Trust
- New Zealand Pharmacy Education and Research Foundation
- New Zealand Society of Gastroenterology
- Newmarket Rotary Charitable Trust
- NEXT Foundation
- Norman F B Barry Foundation
- North Shore Teachers College Trust
- Norwegian Refugee Council
- Novartis New Zealand
- NuVasive (Aust/NZ) Pty Ltd
- NZ Association of Optometrists Education & Research Fund
- NZ Society for the Study of Diabetes
- OceanaGold Corporation
- Oceania & Eastern Group
- Oracle New Zealand
- Oxford Nutrition
- PaR nz Golfing Holidays
- Pfizer Pharmaceuticals Group
- Pharmacia New Zealand
- Phyllis Rathby Wilson & Bruton Sweet Trust
- The Pindrop Foundation
- ProCare Health
- Prostate Cancer Foundation of New Zealand - Te Kahui Mate Pukupuku Repe Tatea o Aotearoa
- Rakon Limited
- RAND Corporation
- Remuera Bowling Club
- Retina Australia
- Riley Consultants Limited
- Robert Leitl Chair in Optometry Charitable Trust
- Kevin, Rowena and Rebecca Roberts
- Roche Products (New Zealand) Limited
- Rocket Lab Ltd
- Rockwool Foundation
- Rotary Club of Downtown Auckland
- Rotary Club of Ellerslie Sunrise
- Royal Australasian College of Surgeons
- The SA and GJ Ombler Charitable Trust
- Sanofi-aventis Australia
- Save Sight Society
- Scientific Committee on Problems of the Environment
- Scott Family
- Seismic Micro-Technology
- Shundi Group
- Silicon Valley Community Foundation
- Simplicity Foundation
- Sir John Logan Campbell Residuary Estate
- SKYCITY Entertainment Group
- Sleepyhead Manufacturing
- Solid Energy
- Spark New Zealand
- Spencer Foundation
- Stantec New Zealand
- Stroke Foundation of New Zealand Northern Region Incorporated
- Taiwanese Trust Board
- Tamariki Pakari Child Health and Wellbeing Trust
- Team McMillan BMW
- Telethon Kids Institute
- The Allan & Joyce Ballantyne Medi & Surg Educ Research Trust
- The Angus Family Trust
- The Asthma and Respiratory Foundation of New Zealand (Inc)
- The Boston Consulting Group
- The Bone Marrow Cancer Research Trust
- The Broad Foundations
- The Burr Foundation
- The Butland Medical Foundation
- The Dick Roberts Community Trust
- The Edwards Charitable Trust
- The Evelyn M Harrison Scholarship Trust
- The Fletcher Trust
- The Fred Hollows Foundation NZ
- The George Beca Education Award Trust
- The Gerrard and Marti Friedlander Charitable Trust
- The IHC Foundation
- The Japan Foundation
- The John Drake Memorial Scholarship Trust
- The Kraus Family
- The Lou and Iris Fisher Charitable Trust
- The Marie Clay Literacy Trust
- The Mercia Barnes Trust
- The Murray Family
- The New Zealand Dementia Prevention Trust
- The Nurture Foundation for Reproductive Research
- The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Ophthalmologists
- The Royal Australasian College of Physicians
- The Royal New Zealand College of General Practitioners
- The Sir John Kirwan Foundation
- The Sir William and Lady Lois Manchester Charitable Trust
- The Starship Foundation
- The Tindall Foundation
- The T M Pacey Family Trust
- The Todd Foundation
- The University of Auckland Society
- The Wallath Trust
- Warren Architects' Educational Charitable Trust
- Tom Cat Trust
- Tonkin & Taylor
- Vector
- Vision Research Foundation Charitable Trust
- Vodafone NZ Foundation
- Waikato Medical Research Foundation
- Waiwetu Trust
- Wellington City Council
- The William Chick Scholarship Trust
- William Demant Foundation
- Winstone Wallboards Ltd
- The Wishbone Trust
- Wood Industry Development and Education Trust
- WWF-New Zealand
- Youthtown
- Anonymous