Non-work related ACC injury claims

Worker's responsibilities

  • Notify your manager and inform them of your injury status and any time off or alternative/ restrictive duties as detailed in your ACC45 medical certificate
  • You will need to forward a copy of your ACC45/medical certificate to your manager
  • Non-work injury claims are lodged directly with ACC who will make a cover decision on the claim
  • If the employee will be off work for longer than 7 days, ACC may transfer the administration of the claim to the third party administrator, Wellnz, who will manage the claim on behalf of ACC, and will support the employee’s recovery and return to work. If the claim is being managed by ACC the employee can request it to be transferred to Wellnz. To get it transferred, the employee should contact their existing ACC Case Manager
  • If the employee is unable to work their normal or usual hours, ACC is responsible for paying the Weekly Compensation

Rehabilitation and Return to work

  • The manager will be actively involved with the return to work if their worker will be off work for longer than 7 days
  • If the injury recovery is expected to be gradual, the Wellnz or ACC Case Manager will work with the employee to develop a rehabilitation and return to work (RTW) plan. The employee’s manager will be involved in the development of the RTW plan
  • All reasonable steps will be taken to assist the worker to return to work. The goal of the RTW plan is to support the employee to return to work while they recover from an injury. The employee will be encouraged to return to work in some capacity, even if unable to carry out normal duties or hours

Manager's responsibilities

If the employee is unable to work or on restricted duties:

  • Request a copy of the ACC claim form. This will describe incapacity, time off work required, or restricted duties. Ascertain expected return to work date
  • Forward a copy of the form to payroll
  • If there is on-going incapacity, the Wellnz or ACC Case manager will be in contact with the line manager to discuss a return to work plan which may include a workplace assessment or alternative work
  • Consider what alternative work options are available, either in your department or elsewhere
  • Maintain and record weekly contact with the employee while off work or on a return to work plan to check on their welfare and recovery
  • Any issues regarding the employee’s return to work should be directed to the Wellnz or ACC Case Manager 

How will you be paid?

Document Control
Version: 2.0
Last Updated: Jun 2023
Next Review: Jun 2026
Approver: Associate Director, Health Safety & Wellbeing