Mental Health and Wellbeing Resources
The organisations below provide more detailed information about various aspects of Mental Health and Wellbeing.
New Zealand Mental Health and Resilience Resources
Mental Health Foundation of New Zealand
The Mental Health Foundation of New Zealand is a charity that works towards creating a society free from discrimination, where all people enjoy positive mental health & wellbeing.
Mental Health Foundation Five Ways to Wellbeing
The Five Ways to Wellbeing, Ētahi ara e rima ki te ngākau ora, help people stay mentally well. The Five Ways to Wellbeing at Work Toolkit is a stepped guide to improving mental
wellness in your workplace. It includes fact sheets, tips, tools and templates to make it easy for you to support your teams to build the Five Ways into their daily lives. The toolkit can be downloaded as one document or in sections.
New Zealand Government Health & Safety Lead
This guide provides information that will help you to enhance and protect the mental health of yourself and your people.
New Zealand Institute of Wellbeing and Resilience
Here you will find help identifying particular wellbeing strengths and devise optimal strategies for change. Through effective planning and review processes, we support you and your team to navigate, and learn, throughout the process.
Wellbeing for Health
These are resources specific to the health care sector. Promoting the positive drivers of workplace wellbeing is a key priority for DHBs and our union partners. These are what enable our people to do and be their very best and respond to the challenges of poor wellbeing. We have a collective commitment to create environments in which all our people can thrive at work.
Specific Resources Related to the Covid-19 Pandemic
WorkSafe New Zealand
WorkSafe provides the below guidance for workers who do office-type work in their home, or an euivalent location, rather than at their business premises.
Mental Health Foundation of New Zealand
COVID-19 is changing our daily lives. It’s important to look after our wellbeing and the
wellbeing of our whānau and community as we get through this together.
All Right
Our daily lives look very different right now. As we hunker down to get on top of Covid-19, one of the very best things we can do is to tune into the simple things that help us feel good.
We are strongest when we look after ourselves and others – and there are lots of ways we can reach out to loved ones, be kind and have fun at home. Together, we will get through this.
Your guide to Workplace Wellbeing within New Zealand Workplaces. The months ahead will be a time of uncertainty as the effects of COVID-19 become known and the impacts on businesses are managed as much as possible.
MBIE’s website for small businesses, has good business-related COVID-19 information, including help with continuity and contingency planning. But as you protect your business and your physical health, remember to also protect your mental health.
Document Control
Version: 1.0
Last Updated: Dec 2019
Next Review: Dec 2022
Approver: Associate Director, Health Safety & Wellbeing