Retiring professor and husband leave ‘unprecedented’ $1 million farewell gift

The New Zealand Herald has reported on the inspiring generosity of retiring professor Louise Nicholson and her husband Jon, who have together donated $1 million to the University to help with ground breaking research that could see wheelchair users able to walk again.

It is the largest single donation ever made by a staff member of the University and will be used to support PhD students working to find a cure for spinal cord injuries.

"I like doing things for other people like my students and the people I have had the privilege to mentor,” said Professor Nicholson. “I look at some of these young people now, particularly women, and think, boy that's my legacy. It's just wonderful to see."

"I would like this money we have left to be a legacy in the same way."

University of Auckland Vice-Chancellor Professor Stuart McCutcheon said he was humbled by the Nicholsons' generous support of the University.

"Louise's dedication to students, staff and research at the University of Auckland has been absolutely outstanding. This unprecedented donation will allow us to continue our commitment to research that has a positive impact on improving the lives of people with spinal cord injuries."