New Year's Honours 2021
09 February 2021
Congratulations to the alumni, staff and friends of the University who received New Year's Honours in 2021.

Distinguished Professor Dame Anne Salmond
Member of the New Zealand Order for services to New Zealand.
Dame Anne Salmond is an eminent writer and social scientist who is internationally recognised for her work since the 1970s on cross-cultural exchanges and environmental matters.
She is a Distinguished Professor of Māori Studies and Anthropology at the University of Auckland, where she was also Pro-Vice Chancellor (Equal Opportunity) from 1997-2006. She has been Vice President (Social Sciences and Humanities) of the Royal Society of New Zealand and in 2013 was the first social scientist to be awarded the Rutherford Medal.
She has written a series of prize-winning books that focus on what happens when people from different cultures encounter and engage with each other. Her works include three early books about contemporary Māori life, two that explore early exchanges between Māori and Europeans, and three about the European exploration of the Pacific, focusing on Captain Cook, Tahiti and Captain Bligh respectively. She has also written about climate change, the restoration of rivers, forests and the ocean. She has had a lifelong engagement with te ao Māori, working alongside kuia and kaumātua and presenting evidence in the Muriwhenua Land and Fisheries Treaty claims, the Ngāpuhi claim for Te Tiriti o Waitangi, and the first test case of the Treaty clause of the Resource Management Act.
Professor Dame Juliet Gerrard
To be a Dame Companion of the said Order for services to science
Professor Dame Juliet Gerrard is a biochemist at the University of Auckland and was appointed as the Prime Minister’s Chief Science Advisor, Kaitohutohu Mātanga Pūtaiao Matua ki te Pirimia in 2018.
Professor Gerrard joined the University of Canterbury in 1998, where she rose to full professor. She has been a professor in the School of Biological Sciences and School of Chemical Science at the University of Auckland since 2014. She was Associate Dean (Research) in the Faculty of Science from 2016-2018 and held a Callaghan Innovation Industry and Outreach Fellowship from 2012-2016.
She chaired the Royal Society of New Zealand’s Marsden Fund Council from 2012-2018. Since 2018 she has supported the science and science advisor community to provide advice to the Prime Minister, Ministers, and the public on a wide range of topics and events. Her research background is broad and interdisciplinary, with particular interests in fundamental and applied protein science.
Professor Dame Cynthia (Cindy) Kiro
To be a Dame Companion of the said Order for services to child wellbeing and education
Professor Dame Cindy Kiro is an academic who has worked in roles focusing on improving life outcomes for children and young people who experience social marginalisation or exclusion.
Professor Kiro is the University of Auckland’s Pro Vice-Chancellor (Māori) and a Professor in the Faculty of Education and Social Work. In the past two years, she has led two critical developments, namely a formal te reo Māori policy and committing the University to a Te Tiriti policy.
She was the Director of Star Path from 2013-2016, which was the country’s largest project to gather educational data from low decile Māori and Pacific schools. She was the Children’s Commissioner from 2003-2009. In this role, she instigated several enquiries into child deaths resulting from serious abuse and neglect. As a result, the Child Death Mortality and Family Violence Death Review Committees were established. She also established the Taskforce for Action on Family Violence, the largest ever response to family violence in New Zealand, which included 22 government department chief executives and a variety of other high profile public sector representatives.
Dr Annabel Kirsten (Kirsten) Finucane
To be a Companion of the said Order for services to health, particularly paediatric heart surgery
Dr Kirsten Finucane was appointed an Officer of the New Zealand Order of Merit in 2009 for her services to medicine and paediatric heart surgery.
Dr Finucane has been Chief Surgeon of the Paediatric and Congenital Cardiac Service at Starship Hospital in Auckland for close to 20 years. This National Service performs around 400 bypasses per year including the full range of neonatal surgery, transplants and complex adult congenital cases.
She helped establish the Hearts 4 Kids Trust in 2015, which provides funds for repairs of simple congenital heart defects in Fijian babies and children, allowing them through a single operation, to live life without the need for long-term medication or follow-up. She has led medical teams to Fiji to operate on children there who do not otherwise have access to heart surgery. This has required the transport of seven tonnes of medical equipment from Auckland each yearly visit. Dr Finucane is one of 24 doctors and nurses on the Hearts 4 Kids Trust team who have taken annual leave to voluntarily work in the islands for one week on an annual basis.
Robert Ian (Rob) Fyfe
To be a Companion of the said Order for services to business and tourism
Mr Rob Fyfe was formerly CEO of Air New Zealand from 2005-2012 and CEO and Chairman of New Zealand clothing manufacturing company Icebreaker from 2013-2018.
Mr Fyfe’s leadership of Air New Zealand helped develop the New Zealand brand and tourism image. As CEO, he was a key driver of recognising those who lost their lives in the 1979 Erebus and 2008 Perpignan tragedies, as well as their families. In the wake of the 2011 Christchurch earthquake he oversaw Air New Zealand’s provision of cheap and flexible flights in and out of Christchurch.
He was appointed in 2018 as independent advisor to Government on plans for the re-entry of the Pike River drift. He has previously been General Manager of the Bank of New Zealand and Chief Operating Officer of ITV Digital. Mr Fyfe has been a Director of Jeweller Michael Hill International since 2014, an independent Director of Trilogy International ltd, Chairman of the CEO Board of Star Alliance, a member of the Board of Governors at the International Air Transport Association, a Director of Antarctica New Zealand, and is a current Director of Hammerforce and Advisor to Craggy Range.
Distinguished Professor Philippa Lynne Howden-Chapman
To be a Companion of the said Order for services to public health
Distinguished Professor Philippa Howden-Chapman was appointed a Companion of the Queen’s Service Order in 2009 for her services to public health.
Professor Howden-Chapman has continued her work in public health and is currently co-director of He Kāinga Oranga/Housing and Health Research Programme. This programme examines and clarifies the links between poor housing and ill health and, under her leadership, was recognised with the Prime Minister’s Science Team Prize in 2014.
She has conducted randomised housing trials in partnership with local communities, which have had a significant influence on housing, health and energy policy in New Zealand. She has collaborated on several research publications on health and social impacts caused by inadequate housing, including ‘Home Truths: Confronting New Zealand’s Housing Crisis’ (2015). She chaired the World Health Organization Housing and Health Guideline Development Group and was a member of the Children’s Commissioner’s Expert Advisory Group on Solutions to Child Poverty in 2012.
Mr Albert Archibald (Arch) Jelley
To be a Companion of the said Order for services to athletics and the game of bridge
Mr Arch Jelley has been a long-term contributor to the sport of athletics and to the game of bridge.
Mr Jelley served as a New Zealand Cross Country selector from 1975-1993 and has served in a multitude of administrative and coaching roles within the sport.
Between 1976-1993 he was appointed as coach or manager to twelve New Zealand or Oceania teams, including three Olympic Games teams. He retired from coaching in 2000 but returned in 2005 to coach runner Hamish Carson who has since won the national 1,500 metre title six times. Twenty of the athletes he has coached have represented New Zealand, with twelve competing either in the Olympics or World Championships. He has run several coaching courses nationally and internationally, most recently a workshop tour with Athletics New Zealand in 2012.
He was President of Athletics New Zealand in 1996/1997 and was Ombudsman from 1997-2006. Outside of athletics, he has been involved with the Mt Albert Bridge Club and New Zealand Bridge. He joined the Mt Albert Club in 1990, has been a bridge tutor since 1996 and was President from 2003- 2013. Mr Jelley helped fundraise and was project manager for the construction of new club rooms.
Professor Emeritus Louise Frances Basford Nicholson
To be a Companion of the said Order for services to neuroscience and education
Professor Emeritus Louise Nicholson is a neuroscientist who has contributed significantly to the molecular level understanding of neurodegenerative diseases such as Huntington’s, Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s.
Professor Nicholson became Head of Biology for Medicine in the Department of Anatomy with Radiology at the University of Auckland’s Medical School in 1989. In the late 1990s she set up her own independent laboratory, continuing to work on neurodegeneration including motor neuron disease. She held numerous academic and committee roles at the University of Auckland, including Council member, and Professor in the Department of Anatomy with Radiology from 2009-2017.
In 2011 she co-founded a Spinal Cord Injury Research Facility within the University’s Centre for Brain Research. On her retirement, she and her husband gifted $1 million to support spinal cord injury research. She has written numerous publications, presented nationally and internationally, and received several teaching awards. She has been a Council Member on the International Basal Ganglia Society and the Australasian Neuroscience Society. She pioneered the annual New Zealand Brain Bee Challenge for secondary school students and taught Biomedical Science at the Rotary National Science and Technology Forum. Professor Nicholson has served on several trusts and boards over the years and remains a trust member of the Oakley Foundation and the Catwalk Spinal Cord Injury Research Trust.
Distinguished Professor Ian Reginald Reid
To be a Companion of the said Order for services to medicine
Distinguished Professor Ian Reid is the Head of the University of Auckland’s Department of Medicine and was one of the pioneering doctors researching osteoporosis in New Zealand.
Professor Reid was the first to establish a substantial research group focused on osteoporosis in older people, which has since had a significant impact on the management of bone diseases internationally. He published the first successful trial of bisphosphonates for the treatment of osteoporosis in The Lancet in 1988, with this class of medicines becoming the most widely used for treating osteoporosis over the last 25 years.
His research in the benefits and risks of using calcium supplements was recognised with the Prime Minister’s Science Prize in 2015. His research team has been involved in developing treatments for Paget’s disease, a bone condition that affects up to five percent of older New Zealanders. His 630 research articles have been cited more than 33,000 times in scientific literature, making him the most cited and highest impact scientist in New Zealand for both 2012 and 2019. He was a founding Board member of Osteoporosis New Zealand and President of the International Bone and Mineral Society, and was Founding Secretary of the Asian Pacific Osteoporosis Foundation for 13 years. Professor Reid has served on numerous other boards, societies, committees, and panels.
The Honourable Lynton Laurence (Lyn) Stevens
To be a Companion of the said Order for services to the judiciary and the community
The Honourable Lyn Stevens retired as a Judge of the Court of Appeal in 2016, having been appointed in 2010, and more recently chaired the Government inquiry into water contamination.
Mr Stevens headed the Government's 2016/2017 inquiry into the Havelock North water contamination outbreak, which made the key recommendation to make it mandatory to treat all public drinking water supplies in New Zealand, and called for the establishment of a dedicated drinking water regulator. He was previously a Judge of the High Court from 2006-2010. He was appointed to the panel of prosecutors for the Serious Fraud Office in 1990 and became a barrister sole from 1992-1997. He was appointed a Queen’s Counsel in 1997.
He has served on various Law Society Committees including the Public Issues Committee, International Committee and Bill of Rights Panel. As a member of the International Bar Association he served on committees including the Asia Pacific Forum, IBA Trial Observer Corps, as Deputy Secretary-General for New Zealand and Pacific Islands, and International Legal Assistance Consortium Mission to Sri Lanka in 2003. Mr Stevens was a tutor in law at the University of Auckland for a number of years and later held positions as a member of the University Council from 1999-2011, Chairman of the Partnership Advancement Board, and as pro-Chancellor from 2001-2003.
Dr Christine Margaret Foley
To be an Officer of the said Order for services to victims of sexual assault
Dr Christine Foley is a founding member of Medical Sexual Assault Clinicians Aotearoa (MEDSAC), New Zealand’s expert body in sexual assault and sexual abuse medicine.
MEDSAC was established after a need was recognised for medical and forensic specialists that could assist sexual assault victims, combined with an increasing number of people reporting sexual assaults and abuse.
Dr Foley has been a board member of MEDSAC continually since 1988. She has contributed to the provision of training and support programmes to clinicians throughout New Zealand, been a contributing author to the MEDSAC Manual, co-authored a large number of MEDSAC submissions on the provision of services to people affected by sexual assault, and served on many of the MEDSAC Committees until the present.
She has been an examining doctor for forensic examinations for more than 30 years and has advocated for continued improvement to service provision across all age groups and genders. Advocacy by her and several colleagues led to the eventual establishment of dedicated services in Auckland for Adults (Pōhutukawa) and Adolescents (Te Pua Pōhutukawa). Dr Foley was a key contributor to MEDSACs advocacy for the establishment of a national funding system for the provision of services, working alongside ACC, New Zealand Police and the Ministry of Health, which resulted in the SAATS (Sexual Assault Assessment and Treatment Services) contract in 2008.
Dr Janette Fay Irvine
To be an Officer of the said Order for services to women and women's health
Dr Janette Irvine has been involved in Zonta New Zealand activities since 1981.
Dr Irvine was a general practitioner for 36 years in Rotorua before retiring in 2016. Her medical interests included obstetrics and other aspects of women’s health, quality assurance and General Practitioner assessment.
She worked with the Rotorua Police to establish a service for victims of sexual assault and was involved with the national Doctors for Sexual Abuse Care in the 1980s and 1990s. She has been a member of the Zonta Club of Rotorua since 1981 and was President from 1986 to-1987 and 2005-2007. She served on the District (New Zealand) Board from 2010-2016, including a term as District Governor. As District Governor she supported the projects and advocacy of all 28 national Zonta branches and represented New Zealand at international Zonta conferences and global meetings.
She helped the 28 clubs to support and grow their membership and led the national project supporting the Sophie Elliott Foundation’s ‘Loves Me Not’ programme. In 2016 Zonta New Zealand became a partner on the New Zealand Women’s Empowerment Principles (WEPs) Committee, and she has remained a committee member. Dr Irvine has been co-president of the Friends of Rotorua Museum of Art and History since October 2017.
Joanna Ruth (Jo) Randerson
To be an Officer of the said Order for services to the performing arts
Jo Randerson has had an award-winning career in theatre and has pioneered the field of participatory performance arts projects and interactive community works.
She co-founded the theatre group 'Trouble', whose show ‘Bleach’ was part of the 1998 New Zealand Fringe Festival and toured to the Edinburgh Festival and the Tramway Festival. She received the Bruce Mason Award for her first play ‘Fold’.
She founded her own theatre company, Barbarian Productions, whose award-winning shows have played in Melbourne, Prague, Edinburgh, Adelaide, Norway and Brisbane, as well as nationally. Through Barbarian Productions she has supported projects benefiting communities and creating dialogue opportunities.
Such projects have included ‘Kids Election’, run alongside Te Papa’s Suffrage 125 exhibition and allowing children to have a ‘hands-on’ look at democracy, the music theatre project ‘Sing It To My Face’, a cross-generational choir performance exchanging inter-generational viewpoints, and ‘Political Cutz’, a pop-up hair salon offering free haircuts in exchange for political conversations. She received the Robert Burns Fellowship, the Creative New Zealand/Department of Conservation Wild Creations Residency at Cape Kidnappers, and was a Winston Churchill Fellow. In 2008 Ms Randerson was recognised with the Arts Foundation New Generation Award and she has been involved with a community re-purposing a former bowling club as a creative space in Vogelmorn.
Mr Burton Ross Shipley
To be an Officer of the said Order for services to basketball
Mr Burton Shipley has been involved in basketball administration nationally and internationally on a largely voluntary basis since the 1990s. Mr Shipley chaired the New Zealand National Basketball League from 1999-2004 and the New Zealand Breakers from 2005-2010. He was a Board member of Basketball New Zealand from 2003-2005, including time as Deputy Chair, and was a Board member again from 2011-2013. He joined the Oceania Basketball Board as an advisor in 2010 and was elected President in 2013, recently being re-elected in 2019.
He led the development of the Oceania basketball strategy to raise the profile and build the capacity and capability of basketball in 22 Pacific nations. This has included a leadership initiative supporting women in 10 Pacific nations, basketball programmes for approximately 300,000 youth addressing public health issues and youth leadership, and a competition system allowing more opportunities for Pacific players to compete internationally.
He is the only New Zealander to sit on the International Basketball Federation’s (FIBA) Executive Committee. He has been Vice Chair of the International Basketball Foundation, which uses basketball as a vehicle for social change around the world. Mr Shipley chaired the 2019 Basketball World Cup tournament hosted by China, and was subsequently appointed Vice President of FIBA.
Adjunct Associate Professor James Alan (Jim)Tully
To be an Officer of the said Order for services to journalism and education
Adjunct Associate Professor Jim Tully has contributed to journalism in New Zealand across 18 years as a journalist and 32 years as an educator.
Adjunct Associate Professor Tully began his career as a reporter in 1969 before holding senior editorial roles at the Opotiki News, Auckland Star and 8 O’Clock News. In 1987 he was appointed Head of Journalism at the University of Canterbury, has since held other Head of School positions, and was Deputy Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Arts).
Since 2013 he has been a Researcher in Residence and Senior Tutor at Massey University. As an educator he has trained more than 600 journalists, many of whom have gone on to hold influential posts in print and broadcast media nationally and internationally. He organised and judged the New Zealand Secondary Schools Newspaper of the Year competition from 1989-2004. In the 1990s he was a UNESCO consultant on journalism in the South Pacific. He has contributed to industry standards, research and accreditation, with a particular focus on the reporting of mental health, suicide and trauma. In 2004, he chaired a process between the Ministry of Health and the Commonwealth Press Union Media Freedom Committee to negotiate protocols for the reporting of suicide in New Zealand. Associate Professor Tully is a voluntary member of the Suicide and Media Expert Panel.
Mrs Chloe Angela Carol Wright
To be an Officer of the said Order for services to philanthropy, education and health
Mrs Chloe Wright and her husband co-established the Wright Family Foundation in 2014, which she leads as CEO without remuneration. The Foundation provides funds and assistance to improve the educational, emotional and psychological wellbeing of New Zealanders, with 2020’s annual distributions projected to total $7,000,000.
The Foundation currently supports more than 25 innovative projects and organisations in a multitude of areas, including birthing and postnatal care for women, early childhood development, child health and education initiatives, improving literacy, environmental programmes with a youth/mentoring focus, and family mentoring. In 2014 she founded Birthing Centre and is currently Director, overseeing centres established in Tauranga, Lower Hutt, Palmerston North and Mangere that offer extensive postnatal support.
In 1996 she co-founded BestStart Educare, which now operates under the Wright Family Foundation and is New Zealand’s largest early learning education organisation with 270 centres and around 20,000 children attending as of March 2020. BestStart is involved in a University of Otago research project on self-regulation in four-year-olds and has built a wellbeing initiative with Jumping Beans to review the food and drink policies of centres and increase focus on physical activity. Mrs Wright is Patron of SuperGrans Aotearoa, WriteMark Plain English Awards Trust, Kids’ Lit Quiz, and the New Zealand Spelling Bee.
Professor Michael George Baker
To be a Member of the said Order for services to public health science
Professor Michael Baker is one of New Zealand's leading epidemiologists and has been involved with public health for more than 30 years.
Professor Baker has been Professor of Public Health at the University of Otago in Wellington since 2013 and is Director of the Health Environment Infection Research Unit (HEIRU). He is Co-Director of the University’s He Kainga Oranga/Housing and Health Research Programme and the Public Health Summer School. He has a range of public health research interests, with a particular focus on infectious diseases, environmental health, and housing, and has published widely in these areas.
He is also a member of the Ministry of Health’s COVID-19 Technical Advisory Group. He was a strong advocate for eliminating COVID-19 and keeping it out of the country, over the approach of flattening the curve. His commentary helped inform the Government’s nationwide lockdown.
He is an active science media commentator and member of the Science Media Centre’s Advisory Board. Internationally he is a member of the World Health Organisation Regional Verification Commission for Measles and Rubella Elimination and the Australian National Health and Medical Research Council’s Centre for Research Excellence on Integrated Systems for Epidemic Response. Professor Baker’s contributions have been recognised with the HRC Liley Medal in 2013 and the Prime Minister’s Science Prize in 2014.
Ms Christina Joy Barton
To be a Member of the said Order for services to art history and curation
Ms Christina Barton is a leading art historian, art writer, and curator.
Early in her career, Ms Barton worked as the Assistant Curator at the Auckland Art Gallery and from 1992-1994 as the Curator of Contemporary New Zealand Art at the Museum of New Zealand in Wellington. She taught Art History at Victoria University of Wellington from 1995-2007, before becoming the Director of the University’s Adam Art Gallery, a position that she continues to hold.
Her work has been especially important in drawing attention to and raising the profile of female artists in New Zealand. She was co-editor of the 1990s art journal ‘Antic’ and in 1993 she co-curated the landmark exhibition of feminist art ‘Alter/Image: Feminism and Representation in New Zealand Art 1973-1993’. Since then, she has produced often the first exhibitions and publications on certain underrepresented and emerging artists.
As a teacher, museum curator, and gallery director, she has mentored numerous young students in these fields over 25 years. She has written or edited more than 100 books, book chapters, and articles. Ms Barton has been a selector for the Walters Art Prize and for New Zealand’s representative at the Venice Biennale.
Dr Sally-Ann Harbison
To be a Member of the said Order for services to forensic science
Dr Sally-Ann Harbison leads the Forensic Biology Team at the Institute of Environmental Science and Research (ESR).
Dr Harbison initially joined ESR’s precursor, DSIR, in 1988 in the chemistry division, where she focused on crime scene and evidence examinations including identifying body fluids and blood grouping.
Her work led her to play a significant part in many prominent New Zealand cases. With ESR, she has been a major contributor to the development and application of New Zealand’s Forensic DNA capability. In 1999 she worked on the first homicide case that was solved by using the DNA Profile Databank. She has been the case manager in a number of old cases that are being reviewed with more modern DNA methods.
She has collaborated with colleagues worldwide and represented ESR on various international committees. She has spoken at many international conferences and meetings and written more than 60 publications in her field. She has held honorary positions at the University of Auckland since 1996, supervising more than 60 MSc and PhD students. Dr Harbison has led the Biology Specialist Advisory Group of the Australia/New Zealand Forensic Executive Committee and been an assessor for both Australian and American accreditation bodies.
Professor Shaun Cameron Hendy
To be a Member of the said Order for services to science
Professor Shaun Hendy has been director of Te Pūnaha Matatini since 2014, a New Zealand Centre of Research Excellence that focuses on the translation of complex systems and networks into understandable knowledge for eliciting change.
Professor Hendy has lectured at Victoria University of Wellington’s School of Chemical and Physical Sciences and currently lectures in the University of Auckland’s Faculty of Science. He was Deputy Director of the MacDiarmid Institute for Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology from 2008-2012 and President of the New Zealand Association of Scientists from 2011-2013.
He has published numerous articles and texts across a range of fields including condensed matter physics, nanotechnology, computational materials science, the physics of complex systems, and innovation and economics. He is a public spokesperson on scientific issues, presenting regularly on national radio and producing articles for The Spinoff and Radio New Zealand Online. As an advocate for adapting to the challenges of climate change, he abstained from flying internationally and domestically for the year of 2018 to reduce his emissions. A number of his colleagues joined this movement, which formed the basis of his book #NoFly. He received the Prime Minister’s Science Media Communication Prize in 2012. During the COVID-19 pandemic, Professor Hendy's projections on the rate of transmission under different Alert Level scenarios has helped public understanding of the situation.
Mr Rodney Whitiora Jones
To be a Member of the said Order for services to economics and public health research
Mr Rodney Jones is a New Zealand economist and analyst, whose work has been focused on Asia for the last 30 years and is a Principal of Wigram Capital Advisors.
Prior to establishing Wigram Capital Advisors in 2001, Mr Jones was a Managing Director and Partner with Soros Fund Management, heading up the research office in Hong Kong. His focus has been on the interaction between the financial system and real economies across Asia. During the COVID-19 pandemic, he has provided ongoing modelling on the rate of cases and transmission both nationally and in countries overseas. Mr Jones’ modelling helped to inform the New Zealand government’s response to the pandemic, leading to the implementation of the lockdown in March 2020
Dr Glenda Ruth Keam
To be a Member of the said Order for services to music and music education
Dr Glenda Keam is a music scholar and composer, who has advocated and created opportunities for New Zealand music nationally and internationally.
Dr Keam was President of The Composers Association of New Zealand (CANZ) from 2007 to 2017.
She has been a New Zealand delegate at a number of international festivals through the International Society for Contemporary Music (ISCM). She was elected President of ISCM in 2019, having been Vice President from 2016. She has directed the (09)03 Festival in Auckland, the 2020 ISCM World New Music Days and Asian Composers League Festival (postponed to 2022), and co-curated the 2012 New Zealand in LA festival in California.
She has been involved with a number of conferences in an organisational capacity, which have been instrumental in stimulating depth in New Zealand music as an academic area, and for creating platforms for the community to share ideas. She designed and inaugurated Unitec’s music programme, of which she was director from 2006-2013. She has held academic roles at University of Auckland and is currently Head of Music at the University of Canterbury. Dr Keam has published a number of works on New Zealand music, analysis, music education, the psychology of creativity, and cultural contexts.
Dr Jann Medlicott
To be a Member of the said Order for services to philanthropy, the arts and radiology
Dr Jann Medlicott has been a sponsor of the arts nationally and in the Western Bay of Plenty region through her involvement with the Acorn Foundation.
Dr Medlicott sponsored an adult learner scholarship at the University of Waikato from 2012-2015 and since 2012 has sponsored an annual Creative Arts Award through Creative Bay of Plenty.
Since 2016, she has sponsored the Jann Medlicott Acorn Fiction Prize at the New Zealand Book Awards, which is annually adjusted for wage inflation and currently valued at $57,000. She worked as a radiologist from the late 1970s until retiring in 2011. She was Clinical Director of Tauranga Hospital Radiology Department 1988-1995 and co-founded private radiology practices in Tauranga in 1988 and 1998, acting as Managing Director. She was Chairperson of the New Zealand branch of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Radiologists from 1995-1997. During this time, she established a New Zealand branch office in Wellington, spearheaded a campaign for a College name change to incorporate New Zealand, and established a committee and procedures to formally assess overseas-trained radiologists for the New Zealand Medical Council. Dr Medlicott continued to serve on this and many other committees for several years and was made a Life Member of the College in 2006.
Ms Denise Alexandra Ritchie
To be a Member of the said Order for services to the prevention of sexual violence and exploitation
Ms Denise Ritchie is a practicing barrister who is recognised nationally and internationally for her contributions towards ending sexual exploitation.
Ms Ritchie was involved from 1993-2003 with ECPAT, the global network of organisations working to end the sexual exploitation of children. In 2003 she founded Stop Demand, recognising a need to address the social factors that affect people’s attitudes to exploitation.
Stop Demand has worked to change societal attitudes and standards that perpetuate problems of exploitation, stemming from influences such as pornography. She has presented at numerous international events and has been a leader in helping promote law reform in the area of child sex tourism and issues related to possession and distribution of child sex abuse material.
She has consulted on changes to laws on prostitution and various other issues arising over the exploitation of women and girls. She is often consulted by specialist government groups such as the Police and Chief Censor on various issues related to pornography, censorship, and name suppression. She contributed significantly to the development of the Objectionable Publications and Indecency Legislation Act 2015. Ms Ritchie initiated an ongoing community campaign in Kaikohe to address issues of sexual abuse, partnering with local community movements such as Men Against Sexual Violence.
Dr Gagrath Pradeep Singh
To be a Member of the said Order for services to health
Dr Gagrath Singh was made a Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Physicians (RACP) in 1987 and has been a full-time specialist physician at North Shore Hospital and Waitemata District Health Board since 1987.
In the mid-1990s Dr Singh helped establish and since 1999 has been Chair of the Senior Medical Advisory Committee (SMAC) of Waitemata DHB. SMAC has engaged in constructive advocacy around streamlined emergency care and increased bed numbers for North Shore Hospital and has generated support for new models of care that have subsequently been funded and delivered. He is voluntary Chairperson of the DHB’s Pharmacy and Therapeutics Advisory Committee. Within the RACP he has been New Zealand Examiner since 1995, member of the Australian Senior Examination Committee for more than 10 years, and led the Committee responsible for overseeing Advanced Training in Geriatric Medicine.
Having personally trained in regional New Zealand, he has used his experience to support local supervisors of trainees outside urban centres. He co-established and has led Shore Trials and Research Unit (STAR Unit) since 1996. Under Dr Singh’s voluntary leadership, more than sixty clinical trials have taken place, allowing local patients in the WDHB area access to new medications and best practice care that would have otherwise not been possible through the health system.
The Right Honourable David Cunningham Carter
To be a Knight Companion of the said Order as a Member of Parliament and as Speaker of the House of Representatives
The Right Honourable David Carter was Speaker of the House of Representatives from 2013-2017 and held ministerial portfolios in the fourth and fifth National governments.
Mr Carter was first elected to Parliament as the Member for Selwyn in 1994, and was MP for Banks Peninsula from 1996-1999. He was Minister for Revenue and held Associate Ministerial portfolios from 1998-1999. He was Minister for Agriculture, Biosecurity and Forestry from 2008-2011, before becoming Minister of the newly established Ministry for Primary Industries from 2011-2013.
Outside of chairing the Business, Standing Orders and Office of Parliament select committees in his role as Speaker, he has been a member of the Finance and Expenditure and Government Administration select committees, and chaired the Primary Production select committee between 2002-2008. He retired from politics in 2020, after 26 years as a Member of Parliament. From 2018, Mr Carter was one of New Zealand’s permanent representatives at the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) and an active member of the IPU Committee on the Human Rights of Parliamentarians.
Dr Timothy Michael Malloy
To be an Officer of the New Zealand Order of Merit for services to health
Dr Tim Malloy has been a rural general practitioner for more than 30 years and has been involved in practice leadership through the New Zealand Rural General Practice Network since the early 1990s.
As Chair of the Network, Dr Malloy has overseen the development of the New Zealand Locum Scheme, the PRIME (Primary Response in a Medical Emergency) scheme and the ACC Rural contract. He currently works at Wellsford Medical Centre, where he and his colleagues have developed a virtual multi-disciplinary integrated family health service to provide high-quality primary care to the local community.
He has provided input and advice into several Ministry of Health working groups and was involved in the formation of the General Practice Leaders’ Forum. He was the inaugural Chair of the Royal New Zealand College of General Practitioners’ Rural Faculty. He was President of the College from 2012 until 2018, overseeing the employment of registrars, the development of a new curriculum, and initiating minimum quality standards for GPs.
He established a Memorandum of Understanding between the College and the Cook Islands Ministry of Health in relation to rural training programmes. Dr Malloy has strongly advocated for primary and rural health care, his patients and GPs throughout New Zealand and was awarded Distinguished Fellowship of the Royal New Zealand College of General Practitioners.
Mr Michael Nevill Drake
Awarded the Queen’s Service Medal for services to education and the community
Mr Michael Drake taught as a secondary teacher at Taupo-nui-a-Tia College between 1968-2013 and has also contributed to the wider community.
Mr Drake initially worked as a social studies and history teacher, but also held the roles of Senior Dean and Senior Advisory Team Member.
In 2000 he developed the Enhanced Learning Programme at the college, an innovative programme where students are taught to think clearly and more analytically. He has been a mentor to staff and students throughout the school. He is currently the school archivist and Chairman of the College's Board of Trustees subcommittee overseeing the Alumni Fund, which was established to provide an income stream to invest in students' education. He has been a parish organist at St Andrews Anglican Church in Taupo for 50 years. He was one of two founding members of the Taupo Coastguard, giving more than 45 years of service to the organisation. He became a Life Member of the Taupo Coastguard in 1993. Mr Drake wrote a navigation book on Lake Taupo that has become a standard reference guide for the lake.
Mrs Yvonne Barbara Boyes ,JP
Awarded the Queen’s Service Medal for services to health, particularly nursing and cancer treatment
Mrs Yvonne Boyes was a Trustee of the Child Cancer Foundation from 1989 to 1992, Paediatric and Adult Oncology from 1989-2001, and is a current member of the Bay of Plenty Child Health Trust.
Mrs Boyes was an oncology nurse and was the Director of Nursing at Waipuna Hospice from 2004-2007 and Ngati Awa Health Clinical Lead from 2007-2009. She joined Project Hope Fundraising committee in 2005 and became Deputy Chair. She oversaw the completion of the Project Hope Cancer Treatment Centre building in 2008, which facilitated treatment in Whakatane without needing to travel for treatment to Hamilton or Tauranga.
She was appointed to the Cancer Control Council from 2005-2007. She was a Primary Nurse Educator for the Eastern Bay Primary Health Alliance from 2009-2015. She was instrumental in developing the Rural Health lnterprofessional Programme in the Eastern Bay of Plenty from 2015 and is the Academic Coordinator. She has been a student nurse mentor and educator. As a member of the Bay Health Foundation from 2004-2008, she was involved in fundraising for the Renal Centre in Tauranga. Mrs Boyes was a member of the Bay of Plenty District Health Board from 2001-2019.
Ms Theresia Selina (Therese) Weir
Awarded the Queen’s Service Medal for services to people with disabilities
Ms Therese Weir has had a 25-year career in the public sector, working at places such as the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment, and Auckland Crown Health Enterprises.
Ms Weir helped establish an innovative policy partnership between disabled people and government services in Auckland, which gave the community a voice in government health policy and change management. After the government launched the New Zealand Disability Strategy in 2001, she was a key figure in shaping Auckland’s health and disability support system, connecting marginalised communities to the governance of the support system.
Due to Ms Weir’s leadership over the past 20 years, groups who were often overlooked, especially disabled Māori and Pacific women, received the confidence to lead and to build organisations such as PIASS Trust, Vaka Tautua, Te Roopu Waiora Trust, Taikura Trust, and Ripple Trust.