Dr Moxon wins Clinical Equity Teaching Award
15 November 2022
Dr Te Aro Moxon, paediatrician and senior lecturer in Child and Youth Health, has won the 2022 Te Tohu Hiranga Award from Te Whatu Ora - Health New Zealand Waikato.

‘Nau te rourou Nāku te rourou, Ka ora ai te iwi.’
Introduced in 2021, the Te Tohu Hiranga – Waikato Excellence in Clinical Equity Teaching Award shines a spotlight on the clinical equity champions training our RMOs at Waikato Hospital.
Deputy Director of Physician Education, Dr Myra Ruka, said this prestigious award is nominated by RMOs for Waikato staff who exemplify excellence in clinical equity teaching.
“We had a large number of high quality nominations this year and I am pleased to announce that the 2022 Te Tohu Hiranga Award has been awarded to Dr Te Aro Moxon.”
Among the nominations, Dr Moxon’s really stood out with his ongoing championing of the importance of whakawhanaungatanga (establishing relationships), his willingness to go the extra mile in assisting staff’s understanding of equity and leading Te Reo teaching at departmental learning sessions particular highlights.
Dr Moxon was described as having the ability to light the faces of young patients and their whānau when he provides a full patient consultation in Te Reo and is considered by his peers to be a beacon for other Māori clinicians on their cultural journey.
Media queries
FMHS and Liggins media adviser Jodi Yeats
M: 027 202 6372
E: jodi.yeats@auckland.ac.nz