Fairer tax for big tech
18 November 2022
The global digital economy is worth trillions of dollars but on average digital companies pay only 9.5 percent tax.

Tax law expert Craig Elliffe was awarded a Research Excellence Medal at the 2022 Waipapa Taumata Rau University of Auckland Celebrating Research Excellence Awards for his work identifying significant challenges in the international tax system and exploring how they might be remedied through multilateral international tax reform.
In 2018 the world's digital economy was worth $US7.7 trillion. At the same time, the European Union calculated the average digital company was paying only 9.5 percent tax.
Elliffe says we need to ensure digital services continue to prosper while also ensuring that these multinational enterprises pay a fair share of tax wherever they operate.
Media contact: Gilbert Wong, gilbert.wong@auckland.ac.nz
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