University creatives busy at Auckland Writers Festival

The Auckland Writers Festival runs 16 to 21 May, and includes many University of Auckland creatives.

portraits of Professor Selina Tusitala Marsh, Emeritus Professor Michele Leggott, and Associate Professor Paula Morris
Professor Selina Tusitala Marsh, Emeritus Professor Michele Leggott, and Associate Professor Paula Morris are among many Waiapapa Taumata Rau creatives appearing at the Auckland Writers Festival.

The Auckland Writers Festival is held from 16-21 May and University of Auckland creatives are well represented.

Master of Creative Writing (MCW) alumna Ruth Bayley (debut book Barefoot) will take part in the Britomart event on 19 May, along with Arts doctoral candidate Te Kapua O’Connor. Te Kapua’s book with Professor Melinda Webber, A Fire in the Belly of Hineāmaru: A Collection of Narratives about Te Tai Tokerau Tupuna, is shortlisted in the Ockham Book Awards, winners to be annnounced on 17 May at the Festival.

Emeritus Professor Michele Leggott will discuss poetry in a panel on 20 May. On the same day, Professor Selina Tusitala Marsh chats with Trinidadian writer Anthony Joseph.

Associate Professor Paula Morris takes part in two events on 20 May. In the morning it’s a chat with renowned food blogger Albert Cho ask Eat Lit Food, Wellington poet Joanna Cho and children’s author and Arts alumna Graci Kim, and in the evening it’s a conversation with 2019 joint Booker prizewinner Bernardine Evaristo. She has two more events on 21 May.

MCW graduate and doctoral candidate Ruby Porter (her novel was Attraction) also appears in three events, on 19, 20 and 21 May, called ‘Bookclub: The Books That Made Me’. The first includes law alumna and former staffer, and author of Na Viro, Gina Cole. Alumna Josie Shapiro and MCW alumna Caroline Barron (latest book Golden Days) will discuss female friendships with fellow MCW alumna and arts philanthropist Rosetta Allan on 19 May at 1pm.

Dr Carisa Showden (from the University's Faculty of Arts) will discuss the impacts of climate change in a panel event entitled ‘But What Can We Do?’, on 18 May.

And pianist Jessie Leov from the School of Music will appear in an event that matches poets with musicians. Also in that performance is alum and poet Alice Te Punga Somerville (latest poetry book was Always Italicise: How to Write While Colonised) which is also a finalist in the Ockham New Zealand Book Awards. 

See all the Auckland Writers Festival Events. 

This item first appeared in May 2023 UniNews.