Reported case of meningococcal disease

Tuesday 11 June 2024

A student in one of our halls of residence in Carlaw Park was recently diagnosed with meningococcal disease and is receiving treatment in hospital. We wish them a full and speedy recovery.

The University is working closely with the Auckland Regional Public Health Service (ARPHS) to manage the case and identify potential close contacts of the student. This is restricted to three people who share apartment accommodation with the student. At this stage, no further cases of meningococcal disease have been confirmed in that group.

Meningococcal disease is a serious, but treatable, condition that requires close and prolonged exposure to an infected person for someone else to contract. The risk to our wider University community is therefore considered low, however we encourage you to remain vigilant.

More information about meningococcal disease and its symptoms is available on the University website and in this ARPHS factsheet (PDF, 908KB).

Vaccinations to protect against meningococcal disease are available, and information about the options can be found on the Health New Zealand website. Anyone aged 13-25 years old entering University halls of residence in the next three months, or currently in their first year of living in a University residence, may be eligible for free meningococcal vaccinations.

Support is available to students from Te Papa Manaaki Campus Care, and staff can contact the Employee Assistance Programme (EAP), which provides 24-hour access to confidential, professional staff support services.

The University’s top priority is the health, safety and well-being of our staff and students. If you have any concerns about this news, please seek the support you need.