Bring your waka paddle

Saffiya J. (she/her) at University Hall Towers

Saffiya is sitting on her bed wearing her taonga, a black top and holding her waka paddle. Text reads "Mauria mai ō hoe. Mā mātou ā muri iho e whakarite. Uru mai ki ngā whare noho. Kaua e hopo ki ngā taipitopito."
Bring your waka paddle. We'll sort the rest.

About Saffiya's waka paddle

When I moved home to Aotearoa in 2021, I decided it was time to embrace my taha Māori once more. I did this in many ways, one of the most prominent being in the sport Waka Ama. I joined my school coach’s club, Tai Tonga 41, and competed at Waka Ama Sprint Nationals late last year. My parents also gifted my taonga to me in my final year of high school to acknowledge everything I had accomplished in the short two years we had been home and for protection and guidance in my upcoming University journey. Carrying these items with me to University and the halls means carrying my connection back to the moana, to the whenua I come from and to my whānau.

About University Hall Towers

University Hall Towers (UHT) is a catered hall which offers private bedrooms with shared bathrooms, study rooms, and a communal lounge on each floor. Home of the UHT Hound, this is a great residence for those looking for a supportive and communal environment within walking distance to class. 

UHT is available for first-year school leavers.