Residential Interest Groups
Rōpū Kakariki | Green team and other interest groups.
One of the wonderful things about living on Campus is the ability to connect with other likeminded people. Ngā Wharenoho | Accommodation has a strong tradition of forming interest groups! One of the strongest groups that we have are our Rōpū Kakariki | Green team!
The Rōpū Kakariki support all of our Environmental and sustainability initiatives in Accommodation. This includes educational sessions and community gardens. Our Rōpū Kakariki are also some of our most enthusiastic members of our Help Green Our Uni club on campus!
Every resident has the ability to start their own interest group. These include residents who enjoy running together, Accommodation bands, wellbeing groups and more! Residents are encouraged to see their Resident Manager or Resident Coordinator to start their own group!