He Āhuru Mōwai

A centre dedicated to enhancing the well-being and success of tauira Māori at Waipapa Taumata Rau, University of Auckland.

He Āhuru Mōwai, Māori Student Support Centre is a dedicated space to nurture the well-being and cultural identity of Māori tauira, students at Waipapa Taumata Rau, University of Auckland. It aims to provide a centrally located physical space where tikanga-based pastoral care for tauira Māori. He Āhuru Mōwai will become a home away from home where tauira can feel valued, connected and supported in their personal, cultural and academic development. This space will offer tauira guidance, whakawhanaunga and strengthen their connection to te ao Māori. 

Areas of support

  • Provides holistic well-being support through tailored pastoral care, navigation services and culturally responsive support
  • A central point of coordination for all Māori-focused services and supports
  • A place for tauira Māori to connect with each other and build community, including with the use of the whānau room (hangout and study space)  
  • Culturally informed support for academic, well-being and social activities
  • Tautoko connectivity with iwi registration and whakapapa verification
  • Central and culturally safe landing space for all tauira Māori to connect with their whānau Māori support team


Centre details

Location: Level 2, Kate Edger Information Commons

Opening hours: 8am-5pm, Monday-Friday 


  • Poutaki Māori, Centre Manager       
  • Pouāwhina Māori, Māori Student Adviser
  • Kaiāwhina Māori, Receptionist