Players, coaches, managers and spectators must conduct themselves in a manner that does not bring The University of Auckland or Faculty into disrepute; failure to do so may result in referral to the discipline committee under the UoA Discipline Statute.
Players must sign a participation agreement before playing their first game.
All teams must show up to their scheduled matches.
Correct playing uniform must be worn at all times by players during games.
Decisions made by referees, umpires and officials are final. Misconduct or disrespect towards match officials is not tolerated and will be addressed seriously.
Teams that are combined (2 faculties or more) in any competition will automatically receive last place points on the Interfaculty standings. Combined Teams are still eligible to receive any prizes that they may have won in the competition.
Player Eligibility
Players must be a currently enrolled UoA student studying with the faculty they are playing for. Players may play in semester 2 if they were studying in semester 1.
Student ID numbers must be provided for all players at registration. ID checks are run.
Students doing a double degree may choose their faculty and must stay with that faculty for the duration of that sport tournament.
Up to two UoA staff may be registered and play for a faculty. Academic staff must play for the faculity in which they work, non academic staff may play for a faculty of their choosing. Please note Staff that participate in the Great Waka Ama race are ineligible for the Hawai'i prize.
Foundation students can play for any faculty they choose and must stay with the same faculty for the duration of that sport tournament.
Late entry players may join a tournament at the discretion of the inter-faculty tournament lead.
It is compulsory for a player to have competed in one round robin play to qualify for finals.
The number of registered players are dependant on the rules of the individual sport.
If you do not identify as either gender, then you can replace either gender but you take the place of the player you are substitued for . Please note this may not apply to all sports.
In regards to single gender tournaments, a player will choose the gender they most identify with and remain in this same gender tournament for the duration.
Disqualifications and Disputes
An unregistered or ineligible player participating will result in a default loss of the game.
An ineligible player participating may result in team disqualification.
Disqualified teams will receive the 10 point maximum on the overall Interfaculty ladder.
Any disputes must be put in writing on a dispute form within 72 hours after game end.
University Sport will notify the Manager and Sports Leaders immediately of any complaint made against their faculty or team, who have an opportunity to respond.
Disciplinary decisions will be made by University Sport within 2 working days of the incident and decisions made by University Sport are final.
University Sport has the discretion to disqualify any team or player should these rules not be abided by.