2025 Semester One season information
Grades: Open
Dates: Leagues run from 14 March - 21 May (no games during mid-semester break)
Time: Fridays, 3-7pm
Venue: Level 2, Sports Hall 1, Hiwa, Recreation Centre
Format: 5-a-side. Unlimited registrations, but maximum 12 players can play any one game. Two x 12-minute halves. Full court, one game at a time. Teams can be mixed.
Uniform: Team must wear matching-coloured tops numbered from 0-99 (points penalties apply).
Cost per team: $620
Referees: We understand the importance of good quality referees. Our referees are students who are developing their skills, which aligns with the university's commitment to growth and learning. We work hard to select the best people possible and provide them with ongoing feedback to support their development. Please remember that these are social games.
For more information or if you have any questions, please contact: