Our Services
We will teach you how to monitor your body’s response to exercise and how to properly judge exercise intensity so you can stay within safe limits when exercising independently.

We will assess how your medical condition(s) affects your ability to be physically active by measuring your heart and lung function, muscle strength, coordination, and balance. An evidence-based exercise prescription will be developed for you that will be appropriate for your age, ability and health.
All our prescriptions are evidence-based and designed to help you better manage your health condition(s).
During your first appointment, you will meet one of our clinical exercise physiology students, who will work with you under supervision of a staff clinical exercise physiologist. Over 2 or 3 sessions, we will assess your heart, lung and muscle function along with balance and flexibility so that your exercise prescription can be custom-designed to fit your specific needs.
Our registered clinical exercise physiologists and students work alongside allied health colleagues to prescribe safe and effective exercise for you. If you are under medical specialist care, or you require an on-going treatment plan to maintain your current health and wellbeing, please contact us and arrange an appointment.
Fees and programme structure
Initial consultation and assessment - $180
If you are a new client, the consultation, assessment, and exercise prescription will be conducted over two or three appointments lasting 1 to 1.5 hours. You are welcome to bring a family member or other support person to these appointments. A comprehensive and relevant medical history will be taken, and your exercise tolerance, muscle strength, mobility, balance and flexibility will be safely assessed. All assessments are monitored by a registered clinical exercise physiologist. Results of your assessment and treatment recommendations will be discussed with you. Following this initial assessment, a treatment plan will be recommended.
Supervised treatment session - $55
Following your assessment, an individualised treatment plan will be drafted to be compatible with your unique medical history, abilities and interests. Our staff will consult with you to develop the best strategy for completing the treatment plan. In some cases, only a few sessions spread over two or three weeks are necessary. In other cases, more long-term treatment is the recommended course of action. With all our treatment plans, we aim teach you how to complete the exercises in your prescription and monitor how your body responds to exercise to ensure the prescription is correct and effective for you. Our goal is to help you progress toward better health with the skill and confidence to exercise safely and effectively on your own at home or in another exercise facility of your choice.
The fees and programme structure is current as of November 2023
How to begin?
Refer yourself directly by contacting us, or ask your doctor for a referral to our Health and Rehabilitation Clinic. This is your first step towards gaining the confidence to make the transition to independent exercise.