Professional Development Workshops

Discover a range of workshops you can take part in to complete your Co-Curricular Recognition Programme path.

What are Professional Development Workshops?

A Professional Development Workshop is an opportunity to develop personal competencies, professional behaviours and/or employability skills. Examples include workshops on communication skills, interview techniques or developing your brand.

To be considered as part of your path or award, a Professional Development Workshop must:

  • Be run by a University service department or Faculty. (Facilitators will be asked to verify your attendance).
  • Have a minimum duration of one hour
  • Not be part of your academic programme
  • Be completed the same year as your submission
  • Have learning outcomes which are related to the development of personal competencies, employability skills and/or professional behaviours

Please note networking events which do not offer any other learning outcomes will not be considered as part of a path or award.

If you want to check if a workshop qualifies as a Professional Development Workshop and can be considered as part of a path or programme, please e-mail  

Professional Development Workshops Available

Host Location Date Time
Career Development and Employability Services (CDES)
Visit the MyCDES portal to check out the range of workshops available
MyCDES Various Various
Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (CIE)
Complete CIE's Python Programming Introduction
Online Ongoing -
Summer Start workshops      
CIE - Unleash Space workshops      
Josh Farr Workshops Online Ongoing -
Leadership through learning