Te Kūaha – The Doorway
Te Kūaha is an educational resource for University of Auckland staff, students and alumni to learn basic te reo Māori and protocol.
Rapua, ā ka kitea
Pātukia, ā ka huakina te kūaha, kia taea ai e te katoa te tomo atu
Seek and you shall find
Knock and the door will open for all to enter.
Te Kūaha makes the crucial link between language and culture, with content covering te reo Māori pronunciation and expressions, tikanga Māori, and the history and values of the University.
The app is part of a wider programme of work to implement Te taonga nō tua whakarere, he taonga mō āpōpō A treasure from ancient times, and for tomorrow: The University of Auckland Language Plan for the Revitalisation of Te Reo Māori 2020–2025.
Te taonga nō tua whakarere, he taonga mō āpōpō. Size: 1.8 MB.
Document Description: The University of Auckland Language Plan for the Revitalisation of Te Reo Māori 2020–2025
The University of Auckland supports the crown’s Māori language strategy Maihi Karauna and the goal of having one million New Zealanders able to speak basic te reo Māori.
Te Kūaha has been developed collaboratively with staff, students and alumni who were engaged in developing the concept, sourcing materials, contributing voiceover and providing feedback.
Features of the app
Interactive features within the app support learning for pronunciation of Māori words, introductions, greetings, speeches and acknowledgements, waiata (songs), karakia (invocations and prayers), iwi (tribal groupings and authorities), local geographic features, marae and marae protocol of relevance to the University of Auckland.
One of the app’s key features is that it allows users to input their own personal information to create a customised introduction. Audio recording and play back features support pronunciation practice.
Downloading the app
Links to Te Kūaha app in stores:
- The App Store (iOS)
- Google Play (Android)
- Microsoft Store (Windows)

He mea tautoko nā Rangahaua Kia Whai Hua – UniServices i roto i te hūmarie me te koa. Rangahaua Kia Whai Hua – UniServices is proud to be the sponsor of this App and to support your entry into Te Kūaha.