Booking the Fale Pasifika

Our Fale Pasifika is the symbol of our identity as Pacific students and staff of the University of Auckland.
It is our home for ceremonies, a place for dialogue, for teaching and learning about the islands of the Pacific. It is also the second largest structure of its kind in the world, and is part of the wider Centre for Pacific Studies.
In order to ensure a smooth and efficient process for all parties involved, we request that the booking form is completed by internal or external stakeholders, and UoA staff.
Note that we will not be able to accept or respond to booking requests made via email. To streamline the process and avoid any confusion, we ask that you use the booking form as the primary means of requesting a booking for the Fale Pasifika. Please note that all bookings are not final until you have received a confirmation email via our Fale administrator.
If you have any questions or concerns that are not covered on the booking form, feel free to send an email to
Contact us
Fale Administrator: Mele
Office hours: 9.30am-4.30pm Monday to Friday
Phone: 027 374 0398
Fale Pasifika Complex
20-26 Wynyard Street
University of Auckland City Campus