Meet some of our students

Soakai stands in front of a tree in his graduation regalia and traditional Tongan dress

“Koe pale ‘oe ngaue lelei, koe nague ‘oku toe lahi ange.” When you do a great job, the reward is a job that's even bigger.

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William stands in his graduation regalia in front of the ClockTower

Despite dealing with dysgraphia, William has recently graduated with two degrees and a job at Deloitte.

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William stands with his cane and his penny whistle in Albert Park

William is a blind person with a keen sense of adventure. You can tell from the way he talks about fantasy fiction.

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Sophie sits with her assistance dog Frankie, in front of the Albert park fountain

Sophie has a passion for studying law, but she can’t imagine doing it without Frankie by her side.

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At first Lin didn't think her disability counted, now she wishes she had seen Student Disability Services earlier.

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Kaden sits at the beach with his dog

Kaden is a problem solver. He is on time, organised and knows how to “get things done”.

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Dr Aresh Tayebi has dyslexia, is deaf in one ear and has been recognised in the 40 Under 40 Awards.

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Ruth Monk

After a diagnosis of autism spectrum and ADHD, Ruth received transformation support from SDS and Inclusive Learning.

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