Faculty support
Arts and Education
- Tuākana
Tuākana is a community that provides mentoring for undergraduate Māori and Pacific students.
Business and Economics
- He Tuākana tutoring and mentoring
A support programme to complement tutorials, labs and workshops.
- Commerce Association for Pacific and Māori students
Year-round social, cultural and networking events for undergraduate and postgraduate Pacific and Māori business students.
Engineering and Design
- South Pacific Indigenous Engineering Students (SPIES)
SPIES encourages and supports Māori and Pacific students into all fields and disciplines of engineering.
Email: spies@auckland.ac.nz
Phone: +64 9 373 7599 ext 86099 - Tuakana engineering programme
- Pouāwhina Māori and Undergraduate Part I Student Adviser
Cultural, pastoral and academic support. Advice on entry requirements and standards. - Te Ako o Te Tui Māori Law Students Common Room
Supports Māori cultural concepts and values of whanaungatanga and manaakitanga. - Te Rākau Ture Māori Law Students Association (TRT)
Academic, social, sporting, and cultural events throughout the year, including study wānanga and networking opportunities with other members of the Māori Law Association. Visit our Facebook page - Te Tai Haruru Māori Legal Academics Group
Develops and analyses the law in ways which support and affirm Māori cultural and legal frameworks and Māori aspirations for tino rangatiratanga. - Wananga/events
Events organised by the Pouāwhina Māori for the Māori Academic Programme.