Academic Integrity Community of Practice
Terms of Reference
- To work towards building a values-based culture of academic integrity at the University of Auckland, that enacts Kia Whakamana I te Tangata – maintaining our personal and institutional mana through the integrity of our learning practices.
- To provide an opportunity for members to share information about ongoing activities, new initiatives, and issues in their areas with respect to the promotion of academic integrity, and to academic misconduct processes.
- To identify, develop and disseminate ways in which programmes, faculties, units, teachers and service divisions can be encouraged and supported to promote academic integrity within the classroom, other learning environments (e.g., labs) and student support areas.
- To identify areas for staff skill and capability development in relation to academic integrity promotion and academic misconduct identification
- To work towards consistency of approach and decision-making across the University for academic misconduct processes
- To advise on ways to integrate educative approaches, especially with respect to Poor Academic Practice processes
- To seek and respond to student and staff views on academic integrity and academic misconduct
- To identify valuable resources for the promotion of academic integrity that can be used in faculties and service divisions and promoted on University academic integrity websites
- To contribute advice and/or recommendations to reports submitted to University Teaching and Learning Quality Committee on the progress of academic integrity initiatives within the University and academic misconduct policy, processes and trends
- To serve as a repository of good practice advice and information for Academic Integrity Advisers and other staff working on issues of academic integrity and misconduct
- PVC Education [SPONSOR]
- Convenor – cyclical appointment
- Associate Dean (Learning and Teaching) representative
- Academic Integrity Advisers from academic units/faculties
- Representatives from the Ranga Auaha Ako AI Group
- A nominee of the Director of Organisational Development
- A representative from the Discipline Committee
- Legal Adviser, Office of the General Counsel
- A nominee of the Manager, Examinations Services
- A representative from the office of the PVC Māori
- A representative from the office of the PVC Pacific
- A nominee of the Director, International Office
- A representative from AUSA Student Advocacy
- A representative from the Academic Quality Office
- Two student representatives, nominated by AUSA
The CoP meets on a six weekly basis. The Convenor will be responsible for the agenda.
If you would like to join the AI CoP, or would like to submit an agenda item, please contact