Programme reviews

Programme reviews assess and enhance the quality of established degree programmes.

The results can provide an assurance of quality for students, staff, faculties, the wider University community and external stakeholders. They also provide feedback to faculties, schools and departments to assist them in identifying and making programme improvements.

Established programmes with large enrolments and/or strategic importance are reviewed by a panel with internal and external membership within a 10-year cycle. These reviews may be comprehensive or thematic in their scope.

Other established programmes are reviewed internally or as part of external accreditation exercises. New degree programmes are assessed by Graduating Year Review.

Policy and Procedures

2021-2025 Review Focus

For those programmes which have already completed at least one comprehensive review, the review plan for the five-year period 2021-2025 is focused on theme-based reviews.

Theme-based reviews are tightly focused on particular programme features or activities which are evaluated across a group of related programmes.

Theme-based Programme Review Schedule
Year Review theme Programmes included
Jun 2022 Stage I assessment BA, BSc, BCom
Aug 2023 Review of Transition to University Offerings New Start, UniBound, Tōia ki Waipapa, Summer Start
May 2024 Teaching Catalyst NA

Aug 2024

Sept 2024 Master of Engineering Dedicated Programme Review

Review reports and implementation

Programme review reports are considered by Education Committee, Senate and Council. An implementation plan is prepared by the Faculty.

A status report on progress of implementation of recommendations is submitted to Education Committee one year after consideration of the initial review report.

Further information

Rebecca White
Academic Reviews Manager