Book designations for examinations

This information supports the Assessment of Courses Procedures 2024.

Note: the following rules apply to hand-written examinations held on campus.  Other conditions may apply to examinations sat online with remote invigilation or computer-based examinations. 

Students must be formally notified of the book designation of their examination as early as possible in the semester.  

If an examination is approved as Restricted, Supplied or Open Book these details must be supplied to Assessment Services for inclusion in the examination timetable available online to every student before each examination period.  If the Examiner is unable to provide details of materials by these dates it will then be their responsibility to inform students and Assessment Services in writing, and in good time, of the material which they make take into the examination room. 

Open book

Where an examination is designated Open Book (OB), candidates may take into the examination room written or printed material such as books, dictionaries, or Acts, well as an electronic calculator provided it meets the conditions as defined in these procedures.  There will be no check on such items but other electronic devices including laptops, hand-held computers or watches of any kind are not allowed.  

No prepared material taken into the examination room may be attached to the examination script and submitted for marking as part of that examination.

Supplied book

Candidates will be supplied with material specified by the Examiner. 

Restricted Book examinations may be designated RB, HB or UB: 

  • RB -Restricted Book.  Candidates may take into the examination room material specified by the Examiner.  Such material may be written or an/or marked in a relevant or contextual manner, but no prepared material may be attached to the examination script and submitted for marking as part of that examination
  • HB examinations are Restricted Book examinations where candidates may bring into the examination room material specified by the Examiner.  This material cannot be written upon, but the text may be underlined, highlighted or tabbed 
  • UB examinations are Restricted Book examinations where candidates may bring into the examination room material specified the Examiner.  This material cannot not be written upon or marked in any way. 

Where restricted written material is permitted in the examination room, Examiners are required to be present at the commencement of the examination to check material brought into the examination room.  This must be completed during the reading period at the start of the examination and may not be delegated to the examination supervisors.  It is the responsibility of the academic unit to ensure that the material satisfies the stated requirements. 

The academic unit must arrange for the inspection of books and other written material and ensure this is completed during the reading period at the start of the examination.  This responsibility may not be delegated to the examination supervisors and inspection must not extend into the examination period. 

If an Examiner discovers unauthorised material, the student must be identified to the room supervisor.  The student may continue to sit the examination using the materials, but will required to hand the material to the room supervisor at the end of the examination.  Such cases are dealt with under the Examination Regulations.