Exam instructions and regulations
It is important that you read and understand these instructions as they contain important information relating to sitting your exams.
Additional information can be found in the University of Auckland Calendar: Examination Regulations.
Exam instructions and regulations . Size: 245.8 kB.
Document Description: Instructions and regulations for exams.
Exam policy for electronic devices, mobile technology and watches for on campus exams
You are not permitted to have in your possession in the exam room any electronic device and/or mobile technology, or watches of any kind, unless specified by the examiner. Medically prescribed devices are permitted.
Unless specified by the examiner, any electronic device and/or mobile technology/watches of any kind which are brought into the exam room must have all functions switched off and need to be placed in the designated part of the room, as directed by the Supervisor. Medically prescribed devices are permitted.
Any item not permitted in an exam room under Regulation 8d that is found in your possession during an exam will be removed for the duration of the exam and a fine of $100 will apply.
Audible alarms may not be active on any devices permitted in the exam room. Any device that emits an audible sound signal or alarm during an exam will be removed from the exam room and a fine of $150 will apply.
Unpaid fines may incur an additional administrative charge and a Negative Service Indicator will be added to your account which will restrict your access to university services.
Exam policy for student ID cards for on campus exams
You must have a valid University of Auckland ID card which should be shown on entry to the exam. See Student Campus card.
Your ID card must be on your desk throughout the exam.
If you do not have your ID card, you will not be prevented from sitting your examination. However, after the exam, you will undergo an ID check at the Exams Centre.
If you cannot present your ID card within two business days after your exam, a $25 ID check fine and a Negative Service Indicator will be added to your account. This will restrict your access to university services (e.g., library, enrolment).
Paying an exam fine
If you have an outstanding exam fine, you can pay this through Account to Account or Credit Card.
To pay your outstanding fine, please complete the Exam Fine Payment Form.