Doctoral Graduate Profile
The University has ambitious aspirations for our students. These opportunities are embedded within programmes and students’ wider experiences at university.
Doctoral Graduate Profile. Size: 1.6 MB.
Document Description: The latest Doctoral Graduate Profile for the University of Auckland.
What is a Graduate Profile?
A refreshed Waipapa Taumata Rau | University of Auckland Graduate Profile launched in 2024. The distinctive, bold vision for the University expressed in the University's strategy Taumata Teitei, has driven the need for a refresh of our Graduate Profile to ensure it best captures our aspirations for our students. Learn more.
The graduate profile reflects a set of attributes that we consider to be attainable by graduates of a research-led comprehensive university. They make clear to students and staff, to potential students, to employers, to the community and to other academic institutions, the qualities that Waipapa Taumata Rau | the University of Auckland seeks to impart to, or foster in, its graduates.
Aspirations for University of Auckland Doctoral Graduates
The University has ambitious aspirations for our students. These are embodied by our Māori name, Waipapa Taumata Rau. Gifted to the University by Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei, te ahi kā of Tāmaki Makaurau, this name signals a call to excellence in scholarship and the pursuit of knowledge, sustainability, relevance, fairness and a positive impact in all we do.
While at university all students will have the opportunity to thrive as Pūmātauranga | Scholars, Aronga Raraupori | Global Citizens, Kiriauaha | Innovators and Kaiarataki | Leaders. These opportunities are embedded within programmes and students’ wider experiences at university.
Pūmātauranga | Scholars – Graduates are knowledgeable and curious, excited by ideas and conscientious in their efforts to understand the complexities of their communities and the world.
Aronga Raraupori | Global Citizens – Graduates are interculturally aware and connected to the peoples of New Zealand, Te Moananuiā-Kiwa (The Pacific) and our international communities. Graduates seek to make the world a fair and better place.
Kiriauaha | Innovators – Graduates are creative and inventive, building sustainably on the past to respond to current and future challenges.
Kaiarataki | Leaders – Graduates are influential, inspiring and impactful. They are inclusive, empowering and service-minded.
Doctoral Graduates Capabilities - Themes
The following themes articulate Waipapa Taumata Rau | University of Auckland doctoral graduates’ educational journey. This journey includes the research they engage with directly, as well as broader co-curricular opportunities available both within, and complementary to, their core research programmes.
The themes reflect the ties between this place of learning, its people and contexts, the central concern for our shared academic ambition and achievement, and graduates’ ongoing connections to others within and beyond the University. Taken holistically, they cluster capabilities which the University seeks to foster in all graduates and so prepare students for their future lives and careers.
Themes | Capabilities |
Waipapa Herenga Waka: The Mooring Post Connecting to place for thriving and equitable communities |
People and Place
Waipapa ki Uta: The Landing Place Connecting to place for sustainable and enduring partnerships |
Waipapa Ngā Maunga Whakahī: Land of Proud Mountains Knowledge engagement for excellent practice Robust inquiry for innovative responses
Knowledge and Practice
Critical Thinking
Waipapa Tātai Hono: Ancestral Ties Communicating and engaging in the service of relationships |
Waipapa Tāngata Rau: The Place of Great People Flourishing relationships through principled action |
Ethics and Professionalism
Doctoral Development Opportunities
There are many opportunities for doctoral candidates to develop the capabilities outlined in the Graduate Profile, as well as more specific sets of skills as are articulated in the Doctoral Development Framework, through a wide range of training and development opportunities.