Doctoral Training and Development Needs Analysis

This is the cornerstone of every doctoral candidate's development plan.

Using the DDF to complete your Needs Analysis

Completing the Doctoral Training and Development Needs Analysis by using the Doctoral Development Framework (DDF) will enable you to create a comprehensive development plan that will prepare you for your future, by identifying the skills you already have and those you need to grow.

You are required to complete the Needs Analysis in the Training and Development section as a milestone on Wahapū, but you may also find the below PDF useful.

Identify your needs

The first step is to reflect on where you’re starting and review your current skill level in each Framework category. As you work through your Needs Analysis, note the areas and categories for which your current skill level is low, but you mark as high or medium priority.

You can then split the priorities categories into two groups: current priorities (i.e. foundational skills you need to develop in the coming months) and future priorities (skills you will need to be successful in your research, but that may only require development in the mid- or later stages of your candidature).

Plan your development

You can now search our development area pages, or search on the Research Hub to identify specific actions and opportunities that will support your development in your priority categories.

Next, specify actionable SMART goals for the coming year to create your plan. This may include working through a particular resource by a specific deadline or completing a workshop on a certain date.

All candidates - including those using Wahapū - may find Section two of the Training and Development Needs Analysis document useful for planning purposes.

Once you have drafted your plan you will need to discuss it with your supervisors. Once you and your supervisor have had a discussion, you should upload a copy of your plan into Wahapū. Your supervisor will then need to approve it in the system to complete the milestone requirements.

Track your progress

It helps to come back to your development plan and Needs Analysis regularly during your doctorate, particularly through the early and mid-stages.

You are expected to update your training and development record regularly, discuss your development with your supervisor(s) and adapt your plan to suit.