Confirmation milestones

An overview of milestones (previously known as 'provisional goals') for candidates under the new PhD Statute.

As a new doctoral candidate, you have a number of compulsory confirmation milestones. You must complete these milestones by their deadlines, which fall within the first 12 months of your enrolment (24 months if part-time), so that you can be confirmed into your programme.

All your milestones are shown on your registration summary. The University's ten standard milestones are detailed below, but you may have additional milestones tailored to your individual research and circumstances.

You can manage your milestones online via Wahapū.

Named doctorates and earlier PhD Statutes

Candidates enrolled on a named doctorate or under an earlier PhD Statute should consult the regulations for their programme. Candidates not under the current Statute can find the forms required for their confirmation review (or provisional year review) at Confirmation.

Plan your provisional year with the Provisional year checklist.

Outline of Confirmation milestones

Attend the Doctoral Induction

What: A central introduction to doctoral-level study at the University. This is different from any faculty induction you may need to attend and is a good opportunity to meet and connect with other new candidates from across the University.
When: Within the first two months of your candidature.
Book now: Doctoral Induction.

Complete the University's academic integrity training

What: An online course that helps to ensure you understand important academic integrity information.
When: Within the first two months of your candidature.
Get started: Academic Integrity.

Complete DELNA online screening

What: DELNA is a diagnostic assessment of your academic English language skills. You will complete an online screening, which will help us to identify whether you need to complete any further assessments, language courses or language enrichment activities.
When: Within the first two months of your candidature.
More details: DELNA for doctoral candidates.

Complete a health and safety risk assessment (if required)

What: Your health and safety goal will be slightly different for each programme and subject. It is organised by your academic unit.
When: This goal should be undertaken early and may be part of your academic unit orientation.
More details: Refer to your supervisor.

Gain ethics approval (if required)

What: Official approval to undertake research involving humans or animals.
When: Before the end of your confirmation year. It's a good idea to start early, as the process can take a surprisingly long time.
More details: Ethics applications.

Complete training and development needs analysis

What: An assessment of and plan for skills development that is useful throughout your doctoral degree, supported by the Doctoral Development Framework. You will complete this via your Wahapū training and development record.
When: Within the first six months of your candidature.
More details: Doctoral Development Framework.

Gain approval for your full thesis proposal

What: Approval of your full thesis proposal by your Confirmation Review Committee.
When: This will usually happen at your confirmation review.
Find out more: Refer to your supervisor.

Give an oral presentation of your work

What: An oral presentation on your doctoral work to the satisfaction of the Confirmation Review Committee. 
When: At the beginning of your meeting with the Confirmation Review Committee. The presentation will normally be approximately 20 minutes in duration.
Find out more: Refer to your supervisor.

Produce a substantial piece of written work

What: A substantial piece of written work (for example, a literature review) completed to the satisfaction of your Confirmation Review Committee.
When: Before your confirmation review.
Attend a workshop: Literature review: Organising and writing.

Discuss your research with your Confirmation Review Committee

What: A discussion of your full thesis proposal, written work, research plan and other thesis-related work, to the satisfaction of your Confirmation Review Committee.
When: This usually occurs at your confirmation review.
Find out more: Refer to your supervisor.

Further information

You can find out more about milestones and the confirmation review process via the following links:

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