School of Graduate Studies
The School of Graduate Studies (SGS) works to support an outstanding experience for all PhD and named doctorate candidates.
About the School of Graduate Studies
Te Kura Akoranga Tohu Paerua | The School of Graduate Studies (SGS) is the central service division responsible for managing and enhancing doctoral research programmes at the University of Auckland.
Led by Dr Helen Ross, Director, the school facilitates support and services for doctoral candidates and their supervisors across the institution.
SGS works across the lifecycle of the doctoral programmes, from enrolment to completion, and leads strategic initiatives for doctoral students, supervisors and programmes across and beyond the University.
Our Doctoral Candidate Advisers work with faculties/large-scale research institutes to manage doctoral enrolment, progression, examination and thesis submissions, while our Doctoral Examinations team is dedicated to ensuring the smooth organisation of doctoral examinations.
Our Doctoral Experience team works to ensure that all doctoral candidates have information and access to a wide range of training and development offerings, as well as opportunities to engage and build connections with the University’s research community.
The Board of Graduate Studies is responsible for the governance of doctoral policies.
How to find answers to your doctoral questions
Doctoral candidates
The Student Hubs offer in-person support and advice.
If you can’t make it onto campus, the quickest way to find answers to your doctoral questions is through our large database of answers to common questions at AskAuckland.
If you cannot find the answers you need, email and your query will be directed to the right department.
General advice is also available at regular workshops.
Visit the Supervision Hub for answers to all your supervision-related questions.
If you cannot find the answers you need, email sgs-advisers and your query will be directed to the right team.