Extension of time: postgraduate programme duration

If you're looking to take time off from your non-doctoral postgraduate programme rather than extend, please visit Suspending study of a postgraduate programme (excluding doctoral).

We recognise that things may happen that are outside of your control and affects your ability to complete your studies.

An extension means that you are asking for additional time to complete your postgraduate studies beyond the maximum time limit due to exceptional circumstances. 

Exceptional circumstances and supporting evidence

An extension request is based on exceptional circumstances so you will need to provide some evidence to support your application. 

For more information, please see Postgraduate extensions and suspensions supporting evidence.

We understand that providing evidence can be difficult in some circumstances. If you have any concerns about providing evidence, please contact us.

Te Papa Manaaki | Campus Care is also available to you and provides a safe, confidential and free service to support the health, wellbeing and safety of everyone at University.

For more information, please see Te Papa Manaaki | Campus Care.

Extension of time: postgraduate programme duration

An extension of time on the duration of a programme is used when you need more time to complete the entire programme.

Postgraduate Diploma

  • You can apply for an extension to your programme, usually for no more than two consecutive semesters or four quarters

Postgraduate Certificate

  • You can apply for an extension to your programme, usually for no more than one consecutive semester or two quarters

Masters or bachelors (honours) degree

  • Masters and bachelors (honours) programmes do not allow for an extension to the duration of your programme


Postgraduate diploma/certificate

You can submit a request for an extension of time to the duration of your programme to complete your:

  • Postgraduate diploma
  • Postgraduate certificate

*It is important that you discuss your plans with your supervisor if you are enrolled in a research component.


There are no additional fees charged for extending the duration of your programme.

Please note:

  • If you’re receiving funding from StudyLink, including a student allowance or student loan living costs, you must notify StudyLink. To contact StudyLink, please see Contact us
  • If you’re an international student, an extension may impact your visa. You should speak with an International Student Adviser to discuss these impacts. For more information, please visit Contact the International Office
  • If you’re a scholarship recipient, an extension may also impact your scholarship payments. Please refer to the terms and conditions of your scholarship to understand the impacts of a suspension

What happens after you apply

If you’re approved for an extension:

  • Enrol into your courses for the upcoming enrolment period
  • You will need to pay the required additional fees


If you're not approved for an extension to the duration of your programme, and you are in a postgraduate diploma or postgraduate certificate programme, you may appeal this decision by replying to the email notification you received declining the extension request. 

The appeal must be made in writing to the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Education) within one month of the decline being officially communicated.

You application must:

  • Clearly set out the grounds of your appeal
  • If you’re not approved for an extension, you may appeal the decision.Contain all relevant documents to support your appeal

The decision by the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Education) is final.