About MyAucklandUni

What is MyAucklandUni?

MyAucklandUni is a one-stop-shop that makes it easy to stay informed, understand what you need to do, find information, and complete tasks.

Who is MyAucklandUni for?

The portal is designed for current enrolled students. This means that once you have accepted an offer of place in a programme, and enrolled in courses on Student Services Online, you can start using MyAucklandUni and your key information will be included.

Plus, you get easy access to other systems, such as:

  • Gmail, your student email account
  • Canvas, the new learning management system
  • Library website
  • Student Services Online
  • Your personal details (such as contact information)
  • Help and support (AskAuckland)

How does MyAucklandUni work?

MyAucklandUni does two things:

  • Pulls and displays important information from other systems.
  • Provides links to other systems (or specific areas of systems).

Mobile responsive design

MyAucklandUni delivers a great user experience, whether you're using a desktop computer, laptop, tablet or mobile.

Tell us what you think!

Complete the MyAucklandUni feedback form

Need help?

What do students say?

  • "Semester hasn't even started and already I really like the new layout."
  • "Wow! This is great, this was the only thing the university lacked. It definitely is a lot more useful than having to open numerous tabs and the 'single sign in' system, I'm so happy to be using this in my final year."
  • "A remember me feature so that we only login once would be great otherwise the system is fantastic!"
  • "All four of us in our PhD workroom are delighted."
  • "Very easy to follow, great to have it all on one page. Makes an older returning student like myself easier to find what I need. Thanks again.”
  • "Great dashboard! I would like to suggest adding a module for students who live in the university accommodation, to be able to view balances and login to manage the portal. Thanks!"
  • "I think it looks a bit easier and more modern."
  • "Great improvement, way overdue."
  • "I just browsed it all on my Android phone and it works seamlessly. Everything at one place and not having to navigate multiple tabs. Learning made easier. Isn't that what it ought to be? Well done UOA."
  • "Well, it's certainly easy to navigate, even for a dinosaur like me. Congratulations (so far, at any rate!)"

Why did we create MyAucklandUni?

We asked students about how the University communicates with them. One of the key issues was the need for an integrated approach to online systems.

We researched students' needs through focus groups, a survey, observational study (spending time with students as they went about their day), interviews, user profile workshops, design workshops and user testing. Throughout the development of the portal, we have tested the concepts with students to ensure the portal meets your needs.