DELNA bibliography

A listing of DELNA related research, including journal articles and publications.


Erlam, R. & Botelho de Magalhaes, M. (2021). Post-Entry English Language Assessment at the University of Auckland: Ongoing validation of DELNA. New Zealand Studies in Applied Linguistics 21(1), 32-49. Available online:

Read, J. (2017). John Read on Post-Entry Language Assessment (PELA) [Audio podcast]. Retrieved from

Read, J. (Ed.). (2016). Post-admission language assessment of university students. Cham, Switzerland: Springer. Available online:

Read, J. (2015a). Issues in post-entry language assessment in English-medium universities. Language Teaching, 48(2), 217-234. doi: 10.1017/S0261444813000190

Read, J. (2015b). Assessing English proficiency for university study. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. Available online:

Doe, C. (2014). Test review: Diagnostic English Language Needs Assessment (DELNA). Language Testing, 31(4), 537-543. doi: 10.1177/0265532214538225

von Randow, J. (2010). How much language do they need? The dilemma English-medium universities face when enrolling English as an Additional Language students. Collected Essays on Learning and Teaching, 3, 172-176. Available online:

Read, J. (2009). Delivering effective language support after university admission. In F.E. Anderson, Y. Ma & N. Tarling (Eds.), The English language and the Asian student (pp. 301-319). Jinan, China: Shandong University Press.

Read, J. (2008). Identifying academic language needs through diagnostic assessment. Journal of English for Academic Purposes, 7(3), 180-190. doi: 10.1016/j.jeap.2008.02.001

Elder, C. (2003). The DELNA initiative at the University of Auckland. TESOLANZ Newsletter, 12(1), 15-16.

Elder, C., & von Randow, J. (2003). DELNA Report 2003. [Unpublished research report]. Auckland, New Zealand: The University of Auckland.


Basturkmen, H. L., & von Randow, J. (2014). Guiding the reader (or not) to re-create coherence: Observations on postgraduate student writing in an academic argumentative writing task. Journal of English for Academic Purposes, 16, 14-12. doi: 10.1016/j.jeap.2014.07.005

Knoch, U. (2009a). Diagnostic assessment of writing: A comparison of two rating scales. Language Testing 26(2), 275-304.

Knoch, U. (2009b). Diagnostic writing assessment: The development and validation of a rating scale. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang AG. Available online:

Knoch, U. (2008). Diagnostic writing ability: A rating scale for accuracy, fluency and complexity. New Zealand Studies in Applied Linguistics, 14(2), 1-24.

Rater Training

Rummel, Stephanie. (2021). The Value of Raters’ Comments on the Writing Component of a Diagnostic Assessment for Language Advising. VNU Journal of Foreign Studies, 36(4) doi:

Erlam, R., von Randow, J., & Read, J. (2013). Investigating an online rater training program: product and process. Papers in Language Testing and Assessment, 2(1), 1-29. doi: 10.1080/15434300802229334

Elder, C., Barkhuizen, G., Knoch, U., & von Randow, J. (2007). Evaluating rater responses to an online training program for L2 writing assessment. Language Testing, 24(1), 37-64. doi: 10.1177/0265532207071511

Knoch, U., Read, J., & von Randow, J. (2007). Re-training writing raters online: How does it compare with face-to-face training? Assessing Writing, 12(1), 26-43. doi: 10.1016/j.asw.2007.04.001

Elder, C., Knoch, U., Barkhuizen, G., & von Randow, J. (2005). Individual feedback to enhance rater training. Does it work? Language Assessment Quarterly, 2(3), 175-196. doi: 10.1207/s15434311laq0203_1

Post - DELNA Advice and Student Experiences

Read, J., & von Randow, J. (2016). Extending post-entry assessment to the doctoral level: New challenges and opportunities. In J. Read (Ed.), Post-admission language assessment of university students (pp. 137-156). Cham, Switzerland: Springer. Available online:

Botelho de Magalhães, M. (2014). 'Advice: to follow or not to follow, that is the question' - Academic advice and autonomous language work. Proceedings for the 3rd Annual International Conference on Language, Literature and Linguistics (pp. 12-20), Singapore: Global Science & Technology Forum. doi: 10.5176/2251-3566_L314.22

Read, J., & von Randow, J. (2013). A university post-entry English language assessment: Charting the changes. IJES, International Journal of English Studies, 13(2), 89-110. Available online:

von Randow, J. (2013). The DELNA language advisory session: How do students respond? Proceedings of The Association of Tertiary Learning Advisors Aotearoa/New Zealand (ATLAANZ 2012) Auckland, New Zealand.

Bright, C., & von Randow, J. (2008). Missed opportunities: EAL students reflect on their first-year language experiences at an English-medium university. Paper presented at the Pacific Rim First Year in Higher Education Conference, Hobart, Australia. Available online:

Elder, C., Bright, C., & Bennett, S. (2007). The role of language proficiency in academic success: Perspectives from a New Zealand university. Melbourne Papers in Language Testing, 12(1), 24-58. Available online

Elder, C., Smith, S. D. and Bright, C. (2007). The role of language proficiency in academic success: Perspectives from a New Zealand University. Public lecture, The University of Auckland, New Zealand.

Bright, C., & Von Randow, J. (2004). Tracking language test consequences: The student perspective. Paper presented at the IDP Australian International Education Conference, Sydney. Available online

Technical Studies

Elder, C., & von Randow, J. (2008). Exploring the utility of a web-based English language screening tool. Language Assessment Quarterly, 5(3), 173-194. doi: 10.1080/15434300802229334

Davies, A., & Elder, C. (2005). Validity and validation in language testing. In E. Hinkel (Ed.), Handbook of research in second language teaching and learning (pp. 795-813). Mahwah, NJ.: Lawrence Erlbaum. Available online:

Elder, C., & von Randow, J. (2002). Report on the 2002 Pilot of DELNA at the University of Auckland. [Unpublished research report]. Auckland, New Zealand: The University of Auckland.

Elder, C., McNamara, T., & Congdon, P. (2002). Rasch techniques for detecting bias in performance assessments: an example comparing the performance of native and non-native speakers on a test of academic English. Journal of Applied Measurement, 4(2), 181-197.

Elder, C., & Erlam, R. (2001). Development and validation of the Diagnostic English Language Needs Assessment (DELNA): Final Report. Auckland, New Zealand: The University of Auckland, Department of Applied Language Studies and Linguistics.