Getting support

We know that working out where to go for help at the University can be really tricky, but support is always out there. We’ve put together some links to help you navigate your options.

Please ring 111 or contact Campus Security 24/7 on 0800 373 7550 if you or someone you witness is in danger on Campus.

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Or perhaps you have witnessed concerning behaviour involving a student or staff member?

Report it here

Need general help and not sure where to turn? The Student Hubs team are here to provide you with advice on any aspect of your studies and life at University.

Find your Student Hub

AUSA sit independently from the University. They can offer confidential advice and help you understand your rights and options.

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There are a number of departments offering support to Equity groups at the University.

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For emergencies call 111 from any phone. For mental health crisis support contact the Crisis Team 24/7 on 0800 800 717.

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For support with your mental health, you can book in with a counsellor at the University. These appointments are free.

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Phone Counselling

All students can also access the University’s free phone counselling service; Puawaitanga.

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It’s Not Ok are available 9am-11pm daily for family violence advice on 0800 456 450. The Women’s Refuge crisis line is available 24/7 on 0800 733 843.

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Make an appointment with the University Health Service and find information on sexual health screening pop-ups run by external health providers.

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Information on support options for survivors of sexual harm or those having harmful sexual thoughts.

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You can access information on connecting with the chaplaincy service and spiritual clubs.

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The team at the Recreation Centre are available to support your physical wellbeing.

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Taking care of your mental and emotional wellbeing is an important step to coping with life changes.

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Find out how the University can support you if you find yourself struggling financially.

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Accommodation Solutions can help you find suitable accommodation at University. If you have a problem in Halls of Residence, you can speak to an RA.

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To see what you can do to better help yourself; you check out the Be Well pages of the University website.

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Getting support

This video highlights a few of our key support resources available.