Ngā Tauira Māori | Māori Students' Association (NTM)
Hear from our Māori Student Association, Ngā Tauira Māori.

Māhea noa te kite i ngā taumahatanga nui ki runga i ngā tauira, ā, ko tā mātau he tautoko, he akiaki, he poipoi hoki i a tātau anō kia eke ki te pae o angitū i ngā mahi katoa. Kāore tēnei aroha, otirā, tautoko nui e mutu pū ki ngā mahi o te whare wānanga, heoi, ka wherahia ki ngā āhuatanga a kui mā, a koro mā, ā, ko ngā tikanga, ko ngā hītori, otirā, ko tō tātau reo rangatira hoki ka whāngaia ki ā tātau tauira. He haumarutanga, he āhurutanga, otirā, he taiao e whakatinana tahi ai tātau i ngā moemoeā katoa a o tātau tūpuna Māori. Hūtia te rito o te harakere Kei hea te kōmako e kō? Kī mai ki ahau; He aha te mea nui o te Ao? Māku e kī atu; he tangata, he tangata, he tangata.
Ngā Tauira Māori is the official Māori Student Association of Waipapa Taumata Rau | University of Auckland. We uplift and support Māori students as they travel all the pathways they aspire to. We seek to preserve and develop the use of tikanga and Te Reo Māori within the University and amongst our tauira. We strive to support Māori students in their formal education and in their awareness and understanding of their surrounding world. We aim to inspire our tauira to influence their environments through an understanding of who they are as tangata whenua.

Connect with us
Come along and connect with NTM at our student space, Hineahuone, located on level 4 in Building 311, above the Quad.
For directions, please see Hineahuone on the map.
To get in touch with our executives about information regarding NTM and what we offer, please email
You can also find us on Facebook and Instagram.
Meet the NTM Excecutive team!

Ngā Tauira Māori is overseen by an executive board of students. The 2024 Executive team is led by these awesome tauira.
- Te Tuhiwhakaura o te rangi Wallace-Ihakara
- Jimah Ruland-Umata
- Taiawa Edwards
- Levi Ahlquist
- Ti’an Paretoa
There is also a range of portfolio roles.
Pou Tikanga | Cultural officers
- Hineawa Hohepa-Gardiner
- Uetaha Wanoa
- Rapata Biddle
Pou Mātauranga | Education officers
- Fushia Tibble
- Theodore Baker-Jones
Pou Papaho | Social Officers
- Stella Kuia Rapana
- Sareece Warren
Pou Whakawhanake | Engagement Officers
- Georgia Ahlquist
- Shakeel Moana Shamaail
Pou Hauora | Sports Officers
- Tupuhi Gardner
- Waimaria Witeri-Borrell
- Katerina Karauria
- Temuera Hall