Christine Mak

With a goal of becoming an English teacher, Christine comes from China and is studying a Bachelor of Education (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages).

Christine's ambition to become an English teacher led her to choose the University of Auckland for her studies. "It would be beneficial for me to pursue a relevant degree in an English-speaking country for my chosen field. New Zealand is such a nice place to study, where different cultures are respected and valued. It is a blessing to study at a world-ranked university in such a beautiful country, surrounded by people from all over the world”.

Smiling woman standing indoors

Christine began her degree in her home country of China, at the Zhuhai College of Science and Technology. After two years of undergraduate study, she transferred to the University of Auckland under our Transnational Education (TNE) Dual Bachelors programme.

One of the aspects Christine values most about her programme is the practical experience. "The practicums in primary and intermediate schools were really novel and rewarding experiences. It enabled me to reflect on myself as an emerging teacher, to learn about the knowledge and values that I would like to pass on to my future students. I could also experience a school life which is pretty different from my own schooling experience." 

She plans to continue with postgraduate study in primary teaching next year. "The practicum experience of my current programme has already offered me insights into what a primary teacher needs to do and how a primary classroom functions." She believes that her degree will provide the foundation necessary to advance in her chosen career path.

Christine is working part time as an ESOL (English as a second language) tutor. “This has enabled me to apply the knowledge and skills I learned in class to real-life teaching practice”.

Since coming to Auckland, Christine feels “more confident and open to make new friends, as people here are very friendly and always ready to help”. She has also enjoying trying new cuisines from different counties. “Many restaurants are just within walking distance of the City Campus. The City Campus is busy and vibrant and now we have a new building for the faculty of Education and Social Work which provides many quiet and cosy areas for study”.