Trixia Felix

Originally from the Philippines, Trixia completed a Master of International Business with Distinction in 2018. She was awarded a Manaaki Scholarship by the New Zealand government and works as a project manager in cybersecurity.

“After two years of working as an engineer in the Philippines, I realised I wanted to further my career in business. I was fortunate to be awarded a full scholarship by the New Zealand government to pursue graduate studies. The University of Auckland, the number one university in the country, stood out as the perfect choice. Its business school is top-notch and is in the top 1% of business schools globally”.

Trixia Felix, a graduate standing in front of Alfred Nathan house

As an international student, Trixia found the support services helpful in transitioning to the workplace in New Zealand. “The University supported us in preparing for life beyond campus, offering networking events, career talks, volunteering opportunities, and assistance with CV writing and job hunting," she shares.

After graduating, Trixia was accepted into Citibank’s elite Graduate Programme in the Philippines. "This first role opened doors to opportunities I never thought existed for me. I transitioned into leadership positions and found my niche in cybersecurity; a career shift I hadn't foreseen." she says. “Beyond imparting business knowledge, my education profoundly influenced my way of thinking, which I consider my greatest competitive advantage and the driving force behind my professional success.”

She now works here in Auckland as a Project Manager for CyberCX, the premier provider of cybersecurity and cloud services in New Zealand and Australia. "It is immensely fulfilling to be part of this industry because the work we do directly safeguards not just companies but everyday people like you and me”. This role brings a sense of purpose and motivation to her daily work.

When asked about what advice she has for those thinking about making the move to study at the University of Auckland, her words of advice are to "make meaningful connections, embrace the discomfort, and enjoy the learning process. You'll be amazed at what you're capable of when you push yourself beyond your perceived limits".