Guy Patrick

With an ambition to work in international development and peacebuilding, focusing on grassroots initiatives in conflict zones, Guy is studying towards a Master of Global Studies to help him achieve his goal.

Originally from the UK, Guy’s decision to study at the University of Auckland was driven by several key factors, including its "strong reputation for academic excellence and research capabilities, and the opportunity to learn from and work alongside leading experts in my field". 

Additionally, the university's “commitment to social justice and community engagement resonated with my personal values and academic interests," he adds.

Smiling man is sitting on a bean bag

Guy finds the Master of Global Studies programme particularly enriching due to its interdisciplinary nature and emphasis on critical thinking. This broad approach is essential for his research on grassroots peacebuilding and humanitarianism in conflict zones.

The diversity of the student cohort and the support from experienced faculty members further enhance his learning experience. "The support and mentorship from experienced faculty members have been instrumental in my academic growth," Guy notes.

The vibrant city life and stunning natural surroundings of Auckland also appealed to him, offering a perfect balance between academic pursuits and quality of life.

Transitioning to the University of Auckland required Guy to adapt to a more independent learning style. "The biggest change since transitioning to study at here has been adapting to the independent learning style. The emphasis on self-directed study and critical thinking is much greater here," he explains.

One of Guy’s standout experiences was participating in a traditional Māori welcome ceremony, or pōwhiri, at the university. "It was a powerful and moving introduction to Māori culture and values, which are an integral part of life in New Zealand," he recalls.

"Being part of the Auckland University Boat Club has been an incredible experience. It's a great way to stay active and challenge myself physically," he shares. Competing in national university championships is a thrilling and rewarding experience that brings the team together and pushes them to achieve their best.