Jeongmin Won

Originally from South Korea, Jeongmin wanted to live overseas to and chose to study a Bachelor of Music. She was drawn to the programme for its long recital hours, numerous gig opportunities, and connections with the Auckland Philharmonia.

"I’ve always wanted to live in a foreign country and experience a new world, stepping away from familiar surroundings. So, I am happy to have chosen the University of Auckland for my next adventure,"

Jeongmin particularly enjoys the annual recital exam of her programme. “It's like a mini concert where I can invite guests, and it gives me the motivation to perform at my best," says Jeongmin. Another highlight is the variety of performance opportunities, including chamber music, opera, band, and orchestra. "I have received coaching during practices, which has enhanced my creativity, interpretation, physical comfort, and rhythmic precision, all crucial elements for a musician," Jeongmin notes.

Woman with a slight smile is standing in front of a large, old tree in an open space

"When I arrived in New Zealand, I found that the university continued to support international students. There are various sessions designed to help us adjust to New Zealand, focusing on areas like English, culture, and job opportunities. They also host numerous social events, making it easier to connect with other international students," Jeongmin shares.

"Since transitioning to study here, I’ve become much more confident in expressing myself. I enjoy the healthy environment that encourages sharing opinions in class," Jeongmin says. The friendly, welcoming atmosphere in discussion-based classes makes speaking up comfortable. "I am introverted in some ways, but I’ve learned that it’s more important to focus on what I want to say rather than worrying about minor mistakes and flaws," Jeongmin adds. 

A standout experience for Jeongmin was participating in Synthony, a crossover musical event in New Plymouth. ". It was an exhilarating opportunity to collaborate with talented Kiwi musicians and immerse myself in a blend of genres, significantly broadening my musical perspectives beyond the classical realm," Jeongmin shares.

"I joined the photography club, and one of my best experiences was participating in a photo exhibition, and my photo was selected for the theme of 'kaleidoscope.' It was incredibly exciting to showcase my work to the public and share my perspective through my photography," Jeongmin shares. “Joining a club is an affordable way to dive into activities you're passionate about.”