Theresa Bosamimla Patterson

Theresa is the recipient of a Manaaki New Zealand Scholarship and is studying towards a Bachelor of Arts in Economics and Politics & International Relations. She hopes to return to her home of Papua New Guinea to work in public policy and has dreams to start a social enterprise that can help with initiatives in education, labour, women’s issues and health.

Theresa acknowledges that she couldn’t have completed her undergraduate degree without her scholarship, describing it as “life-changing”. Aside from obtaining a degree, she has also found "a Church community, lifelong friends, a new home away from home, have surprised myself with my own personal development, and have discovered a love for certain subjects. The scholarship is helping me achieve my original dreams and given me new ones," she reflects.

Smiling woman standing facing the camera indoors

Theresa has made the most of the resources available at the University of Auckland. She mentions the Tuakana spaces and CDES workshops as particularly helpful for current courses and in aligning future courses with her career goals.

She notes that the university is well-resourced with facilities, making it easy to find new study spaces. "The classmates I’ve met have been inspiring with their learning, ambition and insight. You meet people from all over, with interesting experiences and backgrounds," she shares.

She currently works part time at the Public Policy Institute under Politics and Public Policy Professor Jennifer Curtin, where she’s been focussing on gender matters, specifically in the Pacific, giving her real-world experience in the field.

Theresa advises prospective students to make the most of every opportunity but remain focused on their core goals. "Take lots of breaks, as needed, and explore New Zealand – it has so much to offer in terms of scenery, food, people and culture," she suggests. One thing which was a pleasant surprise to her was the affordability of domestic travel. She also recommends rewarding oneself for small achievements, plugging into a community, and staying in touch with family.