Thiraphop Rangsisukanon

Thiraphop comes from Thailand and is completing a Bachelor of Health Science, which he aims to utilise in a career in health management at an addiction nursing home.

He was drawn to the University of Auckland as “the curriculum offered within the Bachelor of Health Science is unique for its emphasis on non-clinical fields in health studies". Additionally, the opportunity for a placement experience in the third year in the New Zealand health sector was a significant attraction, giving him real-world experience. He adds that "the University of Auckland’s network is quite special because we get to learn insights through partnerships from the industry," he notes.

Man in green and white jacket standing in the library

As an international student, Thiraphop has found his experience to be enriching, especially through the friendships he has formed. "While classmates may have a passion in common with mine, the friends I made from clubs and recreational activities within university campuses and gyms are the ones that make my experience memorable," he shares.

"My degree lays a solid foundation of health professionals’ ethics and expectations," he says. He believes the scientific evidence-based approach of his degree will be particularly beneficial in making informed health funding decisions in his future career in health management at an addiction nursing home.

Thiraphop encourages prospective students to embrace the unique opportunities that the University of Auckland offers, both academically and socially. His positive experiences highlight the value of the university's supportive network and the diverse, engaging community on campus.