Andrew Port
Andrew studies Computer Information Systems at the University of Tulsa in Oklahoma, USA.

My entrepreneurship courses at the University of Auckland are challenging me to examine how technology is connecting the world and bringing about new problems, opportunities, and interactions.
“Three classes that I am particularly excited about being enrolled in are Innovent 203: The Entrepreneurial Mindset, Innovent 204: Understanding Entrepreneurial Opportunities, and Infosys 341: Management of Information Security. These courses will allow me to pursue my interests in cybersecurity and entrepreneurship, and challenge me to think about problem solving in a global capacity.
“The addition of my cybersecurity course has shed light on the importance of good technology practices and global thinking as we design systems that keep our information safe. In the US, many of my courses focus on the specific applications of learning within my own country. Participating in marketing, entrepreneurship, and cybersecurity courses here in Auckland has allowed me to get a totally new perspective on these areas.”