Te Manga Matapopore

Te Manga Matapopore is an advisory group comprised of current students at Waipapa Taumata Rau to influence change within the University, identify problems, generate solutions, and inform the Pro Vice-Chancellor Māori office.
The name Te Manga Matapopore refers to the group being a cherished extension, or branch, of the Office of the Pro Vice-Chancellor Māori. Matapopore describes the group as being treasured, highly valued and denotes the responsibility of care that the Office of the Pro Vice-Chancellor Māori has for the group.
Also referenced is Mangahekea, the physical location of the Office of the Pro Vice-Chancellor Māori.
Expressions of interest open
We are seeking new members to join Te Manga Matapopore for 2025. Expressions of interest are due Friday 6 December 2024 for this paid casual position.
Membership for Te Manga Matapopore is expected to include tauira from Ngā Tauira Māori, all faculties, undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral, Te Papa Ako o Tai Tokerau and those living in University accommodation.
We seek to include a diverse range of Māori students, from tauira steeped in Te Ao Māori to those discovering their whakapapa, from a range of iwi, backgrounds and ages.
The Pro Vice-Chancellor Māori will support the facilitation of the group.
Current members of Te Manga Matapopore are
- Brandon Jost-Turei (Tainui, Taranaki), Bachelor of Commerce (International Business, Marketing)
- Hiraia Haami-Wells (Te Aitanga-a-Māhaki, Te Āti Haunui-a-Pāpārangi, Ngāti Tūwharetoa), Bachelor of Engineering Honours (Electrical Engineering)
- Antonia Tangatakino-McIntyre (Tūhoe, Ngāti Awa, Ngā Puhi, Te Whakatohea, Te Whānau-ā-Apanui), Bachelor of Arts (Māori Studies, Sociology), Master of Indigenous Studies
- Chez Panapa (Ngati Tuwharetoa), Bachelor of Science (Environmental Science)
- Kiri Lea’aetoa (Ngāti Kahu and Te Rarawa), Bachelor of Social Work
- Cushla Ngarewai (Waikato, Tainui), Tertiary Foundation Certificate
- Laura Oh (Ngāti Koata, Ngāti Rārua, Ngāti Tama ki Te Tauihu), Bachelor of Laws, Bachelor of Arts, Conjoint
- Abraham Johannes Schwenke-Renouf (Ngāpuhi), Bachelor of Science
- Reubyn Hall-Clarke (Ngāpuhi, Ngāpuhi ki Whāingaroa - Ngāti Kahu ki Whāingaroa, Te Paatu, Ngāti Awa, Te Atiawa (Taranaki), Taranaki, Ngāti Toarangatira (Te Whanganui a Tara/Wellington), Ngāti Toa), Bachelor of Commerce
- Eric Marshall (Ngāpuhi), Postgraduate Diploma in Science
Time commitment
Meetings are usually held in a hybrid format, online and in-person, at the City Campus.
Dates for 2025:
- Monday 24 March, 5 - 7.30pm
- Monday 28 April, 5 - 7.30pm
- Monday 26 May, 5 - 7.30pm
- Monday 28 July, 5 - 7.30pm
- Monday 25 August, 5 - 7.30pm
- Monday 22 September, 5 - 7.30pm
- Monday 13 October, 5 - 7.30pm
Remuneration for this casual role is $26.50 per hour.