Research Project Scholarships information

Research Project Scholarships are paid through the Scholarships Office but your main point of contact will be your local FIRST Team or your supervisor.

Viewing your scholarship payments

You can see your recent scholarship payments in Student Services Online.

  1.  Log into Student Services Online (SSO) and go to the 'Scholarship & Payments' tile.
  2. Click on the Payments tab.
  3. Click on the Transactions arrow.
  4. Click on the Generate Report button to download a pdf copy of your payslip.

Requesting a scholarship funding letter

If you need a letter confirming your funding, you will need to request this letter directly from your supervisor.

Updating your bank account details

You can add or update your bank account number by logging into Student Services Online and clicking on the Personal Bank Account tile. This will take you to the section you need to complete.


Getting started

Q: I am overseas and do not have a New Zealand bank account, can I complete and submit my RO-15 form?
A: You can complete your form, and we can set up your scholarship conditionally, but no payments can be made until you have updated your bank account details in Student Services Online.

Payment of stipend and fees

Q: When can I expect to receive my payment?

A: It will take a minimum of five to seven working days for your RO-15 form to be processed by the Scholarships Office. It will take up to four weeks for the first scholarship payment to be made. Some higher value scholarships may take a minimum of four weeks.

Q: Do I need to pay my fees if I have a Research Project Scholarship?

A: Your local FIRST team will indicate if tuition fees, Student Services Fees, and Health Insurance (if applicable) are to be paid by the scholarship when they complete their section of the RO-15 form. If your fees are to be covered by the scholarship, the Scholarships Office will arrange for a fees credit after the scholarship is established. If you have already paid your fees, you can request a refund for this amount.


Q: I am enrolled part-time, how can I received the total value of the scholarship?
A: This will depend on whether the contract/agreement for your scholarship allows for part-time enrolment. You will need to check this with your supervisor or local FIRST representative.
If part-time study is allowed, the duration of the scholarship may be extended (e.g. up to two years for masters students).

Q: Can I get an extension of my scholarship?

A: With a Research Project Scholarship, you need to contact the Principal Invesigator or Local FIRST representative to see if you can request an extension to your scholarship. If this is permitted under the contract, your local FIRST representative will need to submit an RO-15D form to the Scholarships Office.

If the contract does not allow for an extension, you may be eligible for a University of Auckland Doctoral Scholarship Extension.

Q: I submitted my thesis early, can I request the remaining scholarship be paid together?

A: No, the scholarship will stop when your enrolment terminates.

Other financial support

Q: Can I undertake paid employment during the tenure of my scholarship?

A: You can take paid employment if there are no restrictions in the contract/agreement for your scholarship, and it doesn’t impact on your ability to study full-time. Full-time is defined as 40 hours of doctoral work per week for 47 weeks a year.

Q: Can I receive other scholarships from either the University of Auckland or another institution?
A: You will need to declare any additional funding you are receiving as approval to co-tenure may be required. Complete a Request co-tenure of a scholarship or award (non-UoA Doctoral Scholarship) form.