Scholarships for after you graduate
Scholarships administered by the University of Auckland
Anne Bellam Scholarship
A Scholarship of up to $30,000 for overseas postgraduate study or $10,000 for postgraduate study in the School of Music at the University of Auckland, to assist Music performance graduates to further their musical education.
Anne Reid Memorial Scholarship
A Scholarship of up to $30,000 to assist graduates of the University of Auckland with further postgraduate study overseas in the fields of Art History, English Literature, English or Fine Arts.
Arthur Thomas Paterson Award in Ophthalmology
An Award of up to $20,000 to support a Vocational Trainee in Ophthalmology with the costs of overseas postgraduate training.
Foveran Scholarship
Scholarships of up to $30,000 for full-time or part-time postgraduate enrolment in Theological and Religious Studies at the University of Auckland or an approved overseas theological institution.
Frederick Ost Scholarship in Architecture
A $5,000 Scholarship to support Architecture graduates undertaking further study overseas.
Friends of the University of Auckland US/NZ Exchange Award
An Award to support University of Auckland students and graduates enrolling in a US university and US citizens and permanent residents to study at the University of Auckland.
Kathleen Mary Reardon Travelling Scholarship in Music
Up to $16,000 in Scholarships to support New Zealand citizens intending to enrol in postgraduate study in instrumental or vocal skills overseas.
Todd Mataga AUEA Award
A $10,000 Award to support a graduate of a Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) in Chemical and Materials Engineering who is enrolling in an MBA at the University of Auckland or a comparable university.
William Chick Doctoral Scholarship in Architecture
A Scholarship of up to $33,000 pa for up to three years to support a PhD student in Architecture, who is a New Zealand citizen or permanent resident, to study at the University of Auckland or overseas.
Scholarships administered externally
The following content is sourced from external websites and is provided for convenience. The University of Auckland Scholarships Office is not responsible for the accuracy or content on such websites and the inclusion of such links does not imply endorsement of the linked websites or their providers.
Commonwealth PhD Scholarships for High Income Countries
Commonwealth PhD Scholarships are for candidates from high-income Commonwealth countries, for full-time doctoral study at a UK university. These scholarships are intended to support scholars who could not afford to study in the UK without additional financial support. Applicants from traditionally marginalised or under-represented groups, and those who have overcome significant disadvantage or other barriers in their educational journey so far will be given priority when making selections.
For more information and to apply visit Commonwealth PhD Scholarships.
Fulbright Scholarships
Fulbright New Zealand offers a range of exchange awards for New Zealanders and Americans wanting to study, research, teach or present their work in each other's country.
Applications are made via Fulbright New Zealand.
The Fulbright Adviser for the University of Auckland is Associate Professor Rick Henry.
Rhodes Scholarship
The Rhodes Scholarships are postgraduate awards supporting outstanding all-round students at the University of Oxford and providing transformative opportunities for exceptional individuals.
Applications are made via Universities New Zealand.
The Rhodes Scholarship Adviser for the University of Auckland is Professor James Sneyd.
Woolf Fisher Scholarships
The Woolf Fisher Scholarships enable New Zealand university graduates to study for three or four years for a doctorate at the University of Cambridge.
Applications are made via Universities New Zealand.
Chevening Scholarships
Fully funded scholarships to undertake any master's course at any UK university, includes flights, accommodation and course fees.
For more information and to apply visit Chevening Scholarships.
Erasmus Mundus Joint Master in Global Change Ecology and Biodiversity Management
The Programme is scheduled over two academic years and will be taught in English. Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters (EMJM) scholarships are available and awarded on a competitive basis to a subset of the applicants selected for admission. The scholarships cover the full 24-month duration of the programme for full-time students, including all participation fees, and provide a monthly stipend of 1,400€ to cover expenses such as living costs, accommodation, travel etc.
Harkness Fellowships in Health Care Policy and Practice
The Commonwealth Fund's Harkness Fellowships in Health Care Policy and Practice provide a unique opportunity for mid-career health services researchers and practitioners from Australia, Canada, France, Germany, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, and the United Kingdom to spend up to 12 months in the United States, conducting original research and working with leading U.S. health policy experts.
For more information and to apply visit Harkness Fellowships in Health Care Policy and Practice.
Kiwi Music Scholarship
This scholarship is to assist outstanding New Zealand musical performers or conductors to continue their musical development either in New Zealand or overseas. The scholarship is open to New Zealand citizens who are normally resident in New Zealand, and who have completed or are completing an honours or masters degree in musical performance (including vocal performance) or conducting at a New Zealand university, or an equivalent musical qualification. The funds available each year will be in the range of $50,000-$60,000.
For more information and to apply visit Kiwi Music Scholarship.
Congratulations to 2023 recipient Zosia Herlihy-O'Brien. Read more about the 2022 recipients.
Master of Contemporary Chinese Studies (MCCS) at Silk Road School, Renmin University of China
The Master of Contemporary Chinese Studies (MCCS) provides international students opportunities to know China and Chinese society through teaching, field study, and various academic activities and expects to prepare competent graduates contributing to world peace ,and development.
For more information visit Silk Road School.
The Provost's Scholarship, Worcester College, Oxford
Students enrolled in the final year of an undergraduate degree in the Faculty of Arts and Education are eligible to apply for the Provost's Scholarship to spend a year at Worcester College, Oxford after you graduate. The Scholarship includes the full cost of College and University tuition, guaranteed accommodation, airfares and a stipend.
For more information read the below brochure.
Yenching Academy Scholarships
The Yenching Academy Scholarships offers top scholars the opportunity to study the Master in Chinese Studies programme at the Yenching Academy at Peking University. University of Auckland graduates and current students are eligible to apply for this all-expenses paid scholarship.
Other scholarships and awards
Search our comprehensive scholarships database for an up-to-date list of all the scholarships, prizes and awards available to University of Auckland students.