University of Auckland Māori Academic Excellence Scholarships
Awarded to New Zealand Māori students, who have excellent academic achievement and active participation in community, cultural and other activities.
- One year of catered accommodation in a University of Auckland Waipapa Taumata Rau Hall of Residence in the first year
- $5,000 paid in instalments across all three years.
Accommodation benefits
- Each Hall offers catering, your own room, a range of activities and events, academic mentoring programmes and pastoral care.
- Free membership to the University Recreation facilities on the City Campus.
Am I eligible?
You are eligible to apply if you are:
- New Zealand Māori
- a New Zealand Citizen or Permanent Resident
- currently enrolled in your final year at a New Zealand secondary school or kura
- intending to enrol full-time in a degree or Certificate in Health Sciences, followed by a degree at Waipapa Taumata Rau, University of Auckland in 2025 (or taking a gap year in 2025 and planning to enrol in a degree in 2026).
Applying for a scholarship
In the application form you will be asked to tell us about you and your recent education and extracurricular activities. This will include:
- Whether you participated in Māori performing arts
- Whether you competed in the finals of academic, sporting or arts competitions
- Whether you held senior leadership positions at school
- If you have demonstrated cultural leadership in your school or community
- If you have been awarded a community-based honour or attended leadership training or personal development programmes
Waipapa Taumata Rau, University of Auckland acknowledges that some talented students may face significant barriers to tertiary education and takes into account if you:
- are the first in your whānau to attend university
- have a disability
- have care responsibilities for whānau
- live, or attend school or kura, in a rural area
- have demonstrated financial need
You can find more information in the regulations or on the Am I eligible? page.
Remember to save your application as you go, and once all sections are 100% completed you can submit your application.
How are my academic results assessed?
We look at the number of Excellence credits you attained at NCEA Level 2 or 3 last year, or your CIE average from last year, or your predicted score for IB for this year.
Outcome of my application
When do I hear about my scholarship application?
- All applicants will be notified of the outcome of their application in early October. This will be sent to the email address used in your application form.
- This email will be the outcome of all your applications if you applied for more than one scholarship (one or more of the Top Achiever Scholarship, Academic Potential Scholarship - School Leavers, Māori Academic Excellence Scholarship, Pacific Academic Excellence Scholarship, Vaka Moana Scholarship, or Waka Moana Scholarship). The Review Committee has considered you for each of these Scholarships.
Accepting your scholarship offer
- If you are awarded a scholarship, you will be given a date to accept your offer by. This is to allow for certificates to be prepared for school prize-givings.
- You may be offered a different scholarship to the one(s) you applied for. This is because there are scholarships that all eligible applicants for a Māori Academic Excellence Scholarship are considered for as well as the Māori Academic Excellence Scholarship. These might be specific to a faculty or subject area, or may be a University of Auckland 140th Anniversary Academic Scholarship or a University of Auckland 140th Anniversary Kupenga Rau Māori and Pacific Scholarship.
- All offers are conditional on awardees meeting the requirements to take up and be paid the Scholarship following entry to the University.
- Applicants offered a scholarship will be sent a link to an online acceptance form and a date to accept the scholarship by.
- You will be asked to indicate which semester you intend to begin your studies i.e. Semester One or Two 2025.
- By accepting the Scholarship, you are confirming you understand and accept the entry requirements and conditions of the Scholarship outlined in the regulations.
- If you are weighing up offers from more than one university, let us know your decision as soon as you can. You can always accept the offer and then let us know if you have changed your mind later.
Accommodation offer
Accommodation offers will be made within the Accommodation Portal and will confirm the Hall of Residence you have been offered.
To accept the offer:
- Log into the Accommodation Portal.
- Click onto the offer link displayed on your homepage.
- Click on Save and Continue and you will be taken to your Residential Agreement.
- Review the Residential Agreement, and tick both boxes as the bottom of the agreement, to indicate you have read and understood all the terms and conditions of the agreement. Click Accept and Continue.
- If you are currently under the age of 18, you will need a parent or guardian to first co-accept the Residential Agreement before you will be able to do the same.
- As your Scholarship covers the deposit and administration fee, you can then close out of the portal.
- A copy of the Residential Agreement will be sent to your email address.
If your scholarship application was not successful and you no longer wish to stay in accommodation, you can withdraw/decline an accommodation offer by emailing The accommodation offer can then be reallocated.
What happens if I don't respond to the scholarship offer in time?
If you don't accept your offer or make contact with the Scholarships Office, your offer will be forfeited and the Scholarship may be reallocated.
If I later decide to not take up the Scholarship, am I still required to stay in accommodation?
No, if you later decline your scholarship offer, you will not be required to stay in accommodation. You must also withdraw from your accommodation contract.
Payment of your Scholarship
Being paid your scholarship
To be paid your scholarship you will need to
- achieve admission to Waipapa Taumata Rau, University of Auckland with an NCEA rank score of at least 240, a CIE rank score of at least 300 or an IB score of at least 321
- enrol full-time in an undergraduate degree or Certificate in Health Sciences2
- live in a University hall of residence (unless you hold an approved exemption)
- enter your bank account details into the Personal Bank Account section in Student Services Online. To avoid any delays in your payment, make sure this is done before the start of your first semester of study. This must be a New Zealand bank account.
1 If you are directed to enrol in a Tertiary Foundation Certificate (TFC) or a Certificate in Health Sciences prior to enrolling in an undergraduate degree, the Scholarships Office will discuss your scholarship with you before the start of your first semester of study.
You can start your enrolment in Semester One or Two. If you are planning to start in Semester Two we recommend you seek enrolment advice before the start of Semester One as you may not be able to start all programmes in Semester Two.
2 For the purposes of this Scholarship, full-time study is considered as enrolling in at least 100 points over two semesters in one year (Semesters One and Two). Any study undertaken as part of a Summer Start programme will not be counted towards the first 100 points of undergraduate study. Read more on how many courses to enrol in.
Semester One |
Semester Two |
Year One | Accommodation paid directly to your Hall of Residence $1,000 will be credited to your bank account |
Accommodation paid directly to your Hall of Residence |
Year Two | $1,000 will be credited to your bank account | $1,000 will be credited to your bank account |
Year Three | $1,000 will be credited to your bank account | $1,000 will be credited to your bank account |
Living in a hall of residence
Your accommodation payments will be made directly from the Scholarships Office to your hall of residence, and includes the deposit. Additional costs such as extra activities (hall ball, floor/hall outings), incidentals (damage, lockouts, key replacement) or parking is not covered by the scholarship.
Please note, we do not recommend moving into accommodation unless you intend to enrol full-time at the University of Auckland otherwise you will be required to cover the costs of accommodation.
When do I get paid the $5,000 part of my scholarship?
- In addition to your accommodation being covered, the $5,000 component will be paid in instalments each year as shown in the table above. Payments are usually made in the fourth week of semester, after enrolment has closed.
What can I spend the lump sum instalments on?
- You can only use these payments to cover study related costs such as tuition fees, books for study, additional hall of residence costs not already covered by the scholarship, travel to and from university etc.
- If you use the scholarship payments for items not directly related to your study, you might breach the terms of your tax-free scholarship. This could result in your scholarship being cancelled, and you might need to repay the scholarship.
What happens if I don't meet the scholarship entry requirements, will I lose the scholarship?
When your Year 13 results become available in January, the Scholarships Office will check to make sure you have met the requirements for eligibility to take up the Scholarship. If the University has advised you to undertake and apply for a pathway programme such as the Tertiary Foundation Certificate or a Certificate in Health Sciences prior to commencing your undergraduate degree at Waipapa Taumata Rau, University of Auckland, you may still be eligible to hold the Scholarship in 2025.
Retaining your scholarship
Waipapa Taumata Rau, University of Auckland entry-level scholarships are designed to provide support to exceptional students during their studies towards an undergraduate degree at this University. We intend to award our scholarships to students who are committed to studying with us.
The offer of a University of Auckland Māori Academic Excellence Scholarship is on the condition that you remain enrolled for the three-year duration of your scholarship. The University reserves the right to seek repayment of funds made under this Scholarship from students who:
- withdraw from enrolment after payments have been made, or
- transfer to at another tertiary institution without completing at least four consecutive semesters of study at Waipapa Taumata Rau, University of Auckland.
What do I need to do to keep my scholarship for the second semester?
To remain in accommodation for your second semester of study, and to receive the lump sum instalments in years two and three of your scholarship you must
- achieve a passing grade in all your courses in each semester of study. This will be assessed over all the courses you enrol in each semester
- enrol full-time each semester