Exercise Sciences

Applications for 2024-2025 open on 1 July 2024.

Neuro-animation therapy to improve outcome after stroke

Project code: SCI136


Prof Winston Byblow

Discipline: Department of Exercise Sciences

Project description

This project involves activities at the end-stage ongoing randomised controlled trial, which is evaluating the efficacy of an immersive video game-based therapy platform which aims to improve recovery of the hand and arm after stroke. In the trial, participants with weak hand and arm due to stroke, completed high-intensity hand and arm therapy within a virtual oceanic environment by making natural movements with their hand and arm which control a terehu (bottlenose dolphin), kera wera (orca) and other creatures. The trial evaluated hand and arm kinematics, hand dexterity, and corticospinal function of the paretic and non-paretic sides longitudinally during the first six months of recovery after stroke. The scholar will undertake data analysis activities working alongside a diverse and international team of scientists, clinicians, and postgraduate students in the Movement Neuroscience Lab (907.123). This opportunity is well-suited for any student who has completed EXERSCI 305 – MOVEMENT NEUROSCIENCE or similar courses. Students considering BSc (Honours) study in 2024 are especially encouraged to apply.

Further details about the tasks that will be completed as part of this exciting project can be obtained by emailing Professor Byblow.

SCI136: Dolphins jumping out of tv scrren towards seated person