Marine Science

Applications for 2024-2025 open on 1 July 2024.

Colour blind camouflage in octopus

Project code: SCI183


Stefan Spreitzenbarth
Misha Vorobyev

Discipline: Institute of Marine Science & School of Optometry and Vision Science

Project description

An octopus has superb vision and it has exceptionally refined abilities to camouflage on any background – it matches texture and colour of backgrounds in a fraction of a second. However, octopuses have only one type of visual pigment and so should not be able to see colour. Therefore, the ability of octopuses to match colour remains a mystery. The aim of this project is to reveal the mechanisms that allow octopuses to match colours of background objects that it tries to camouflage in. Octopuses have well developed camera-type eyes that are free from spherical aberrations due to the ideally adjusted graded refractive index of the lens. While octopuses are colour blind, their photoreceptors are polarisation-sensitive, giving octopuses a sophistication of vision that vertebrates generally do not have. We hypothesize that octopuses extract colour information from polarisation cues. Our preliminary results indicate that certain algae colours can be related to polarisation of light reflected from them. We will perform behavioural experiments to confirm or refute the hypothesis that octopuses use polarisation cues to infer information about colours.

Neurological pathway of nociception in fish

Project code: SCI184


Professor Craig Radford

Discipline: Institute of Marine Science

Project description

Accidentally putting your hand on a hot stove results in a fast limb withdrawal and strong sensation of pain, but do fish have the capacity to experience pain in the same way? This is difficult to answer because pain is a conscious, subjective experience generated in the brain, fish cannot directly communicate how they “feel” and their neuroanatomy is different to mammals. Tissue damage in mammals activates nociceptors that drive two main actions: i) unconscious reflexes (avoidance / limb withdrawal) through the spinal cord or hindbrain and 2) conscious emotional feelings of pain processed by the brain neocortex. We do not yet know whether the same two processes operate in the same way in fish. Here, we will examine diversity in the pain neuroanatomy among fishes (bony and cartilaginous) using histological techniques. The project will involve dissecting brains from fish, preparing them for histology, viewing and analysing the slides. Said student needs to have a steady hand, keen eye for detail and be meticulous with record keeping.

Characterising ‘functional footprints’ for marine communities to guide marine conservation

Project code: SCI185


Stefano Schenone
Rebecca Gladstone-Gallagher

Discipline: Institute of Marine Science

Project description

Join our team of experienced seafloor ecologists and contribute to cutting-edge research in marine ecology and conservation. We are seeking a motivated and enthusiastic summer intern to assist with a project focused on understanding the complex relationship between biodiversity and ecosystem function in marine environments. Our goal is to understand how marine species adapt and change in the face of environmental stressors by delving into the functional roles of some of the key species (e.g., shellfish) that inhabit our coastal habitats.

There is general consensus in ecology that biodiversity is linked to the function of the ecosystem and the services it provides society. This link between biodiversity and ecosystem function has been important for prioritising areas for marine conservation. However, there are significant gaps in our understanding about how the links between biodiversity and ecosystem function shift across environmental gradients and with future changes such as climate change. Addressing these gaps is essential to effectively prioritise species and ecosystem protection.

Species can exist in an ecosystem but not be functioning to their full potential due to for example, undesirable conditions, and this complicates the links between biodiversity and ecosystem function. In this project we will conduct lab experiments and field surveys looking at how the functional roles of key species shift when under stress.

As a summer intern, you will have the opportunity to participate in both laboratory experiments and field surveys to assess the impact of stress on species' functional roles. You will gain hands-on experience in a variety of scientific techniques, including data collection, analysis, and interpretation. No prior experience is necessary as training will be provided, but a passion for environmental science and a willingness to work outdoors are essential.

- Gain valuable research experience in marine ecology.
- Work alongside experienced researchers and mentors.
- Enhance your skills in fieldwork, laboratory techniques, and data analysis.
- Contribute to meaningful conservation efforts and scientific knowledge.  

SCI185: image of shore line